I have dreams where I kill. Dream Interpretation: killing people - what does such a dream portend? Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books

Killing a person in a dream is not always a bad omen, it all depends on its details. That is why it is so important to remember them, then it will be possible to interpret the dream in the right way, which means it will be possible to lift the veil of secrecy about the future.

What if I dream I killed a person?

If the sleeping woman dreamed that she had committed a murder, then in reality she will participate in dubious matters, which will subsequently negatively affect her reputation. She should not take on such projects; it is better to be patient a little and wait for more reasonable proposals. Develop a murder plan loved one- in reality he will be very offended by the dreamer, and will hurt her in revenge. However, she should not take revenge after this, since this will not lead to anything good. To kill your spouse - in reality, you will have a difficult conversation with him, after which the relationship will be simply unbearable. In this situation, the sleeping woman should simply wait for the time when passions subside and everything returns to its usual routine. If the dreamer killed her enemy in a dream, then in reality she will find career, she just needs to show more hard work, then management will see her zeal and promote her. Killing your own child means problems with him; a woman needs to be more gentle and not scold him over trifles, otherwise he may rebel and leave home. In this case, she will have to make a lot of efforts to regain his trust.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities

The deer symbolizes the spiritualistic aspect of your life. Thus, it is a positive symbol in a dream. Deer has good news in life, new beginnings or even new love in life. This is a pure symbol of heavy thoughts about your real life. The deer signifies the awakening of spiritual desires; however, this also means that you need to control your shyness and open your heart to others. Generally, the deer holds cheerful news and good fortune, but since luck can deceive anyone, there is a requirement to focus on it.

If a woman killed her lover in a dream, then such a dream indicates that her sexual desire is growing day by day. She should hide her feelings, otherwise her husband will realize that she is unfaithful to him, then divorce will be almost impossible to avoid.

If a woman dreamed that her hands were covered in blood, and during the day she returned to the thought of why she dreamed that I killed a person, then in reality she will make a lot of mistakes. And this will not do her any good, since her enemies are just waiting for the moment when she stumbles to strike. The dreamer needs to pull herself together and focus on important matters, otherwise the enemies will achieve their goal. If a girl kills her fiancé in a dream, then in reality she is bored with her relationship with him. However, she constantly tries to convince herself that she loves this person. This is not a way out of the situation, so she should accept the truth and try to find the strength to part with the annoying man. By doing this, she will receive the relief she has long dreamed of. Choking your husband in a dream means resentment towards him. The sleeping person will need a lot of time to overcome it and forgive her spouse. Perhaps she will even, under some pretext, move in with her parents in order to quickly forget about what happened. If a woman tried to kill herself in a dream, then in reality success and wealth await her, perhaps she will receive an inheritance, and thanks to this money she will be able to realize her potential. As a result of this, she will take a worthy position in society and will live in harmony with herself.

According to Hindu mythology, Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge or education, takes on the disguise of a red deer known as Rohit. The deer indicates the purity of the Buddha of his first teachings for humanity. So the deer is a spiritual symbol, basically. Dreaming of a deer signifies amazing news along the way along with good fortune, especially regarding love and marriage.

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books

Dreaming about deer hunting and missing out on it means that you should not make stupid statements in your waking life. However, if you can kill a deer in a dream, it means that you should not drag anyone down on something that is really important. You are probably delaying an important task in your real life. To dream about deer hunting represents the existence of something wrong in or around your loved one. Hunting hunts treated the feelings of being an emotional or mental prisoner.

What does it portend?

When wondering why you dream that I killed a person, you should look for the answer in various dream books, maybe in one of them you will be able to find a suitable interpretation. If you believe Nostradamus, then the dreamer should fear for her life, as her enemies will attempt to kill her. Hasse foreshadows a woman having an unpleasant conversation with her husband, because of which their relationship will come to naught. Miller promises the sleeping woman victory over her enemies, thanks to her farsightedness and straightforwardness. According to the opinion of the respected Doctor Freud, if the dreamer killed a person with particular cruelty, then this indicates her uncontrollable passion. However, she should control herself, since her caresses do not always bring pleasure to her partner, and he may soon get tired of this situation. Modern dream book promises the fair sex a quarrel with her lover, because of which she will break up with him. But this can be easily avoided; she should not express her complaints too often and discuss his shortcomings with strangers. Killing a friend in a dream is a very good sign complex issue in favor of the sleeping woman, which will bring her great relief.

You may be wary of the pressures and tensions that exist in the world. Your pride may be listed in the near future. Dreaming of a running deer means that you will soon receive good news or have great success in life. Dreaming of owning a deer means that you will be satisfied with good fortune. Dreaming of a stag with her stag means that you will have money in the future. Dreaming of breast milk means that you will undoubtedly be rich.

Dreaming of many deer together means that you will have a peaceful life. Dreaming of eating or landscaping a deer, you will have important guests. Several deer playing together in a dream shows that there is marriage in the future, but it could mean that you can defeat someone who is stronger and stronger than you.

If the dreamer kills her parents in a dream, then in reality she has a grudge against them. Perhaps she has been eating her since childhood; undoubtedly, the woman hides her true feelings, but the subconscious brings them out. She should forgive her parents from the bottom of her heart, then she can feel better.

Killing someone in a dream is a harbinger of problems and troubles, and in some cases such a dream speaks of hidden aggression. It is important for the dreamer to find out the reason for her behavior, then she will be able to solve the riddle that her subconscious has thrown at her.

Since ancient or ancient times, the deer has been an important symbol of strength. This gives a warning to the dreamer not to make hasty or quick decisions. A deer may tell you that you won't be able to achieve something you want, mainly because of your snobbery and pride. Dreaming of a dying deer is a positive omen. By dreaming of killing a deer, you will soon receive a distant inheritance. Dreaming of hunting deer means that some unpleasant events may occur in the future. Dreaming of shooting a deer means that you will soon humiliate your enemies.

Surely you, dear reader, are pretty frightened by the plot of your dream, in which you take the life of some person. Why do you dream about killing a person? The dream book of Miller, Vanga and Freud will give you the answers.

First, you should calm down and stop considering this dream to be something terrible, supernatural. It’s better to remember the details of this dream: were you unarmed, or did you have, for example, a machine gun or a stone in your hands? It is very important to additionally remember who exactly had the unfortunate fate of becoming a follower of heaven.

Dreaming of a deer running means good luck in your married life. Dreaming of a deer means some kind of freedom that will soon be achieved. He can be released from duties or words. To dream of driving deer means that there is some problem ahead; however, in these situations there will be people with you to support you.

This is another dream that none of us wants to have. These dreams are scary, uncomfortable and stressful. We will probably wake up in the middle of this dream and try to forget about it as soon as possible, but is there any mythical meaning to this dream or is it just a product of our imagination.

Obviously, in your dream you felt a whole range of emotions: anger, fear, hatred for the murdered person. It is quite possible that in your dream you were tracking down a victim and could even experience some satisfaction from completing the mission. It is not uncommon to have dreams in which a murder occurs in the midst of self-defense, by accident.

How terrible is it to kill a person in your sleep? You should not feel like a cruel person, much less stop communicating with the “deceased”. According to most dream books, seeing how you managed to kill a person promises wealth and prosperity. However, a dream about a dead person is an unusual case and can be interpreted differently depending on the situation.

Dream of a demon in general

We will list some of the most common situations you may dream about and their meanings. Dreaming about demons is a negative sign in general. This is especially important if dreams keep recurring over and over again. They are usually a negative set of minds or negativity that affects the dreamer and comes from an external source.

Dream of a Demon

If you are a man and you had this dream, it means that you should be more persuasive and powerful. Perhaps you are a little weak and you don't know how to face certain things in your life. You need to find the strength within yourself to fight all the bad things that happen to you and make you feel bad.

Concentrate and remember the events of that night (or, if you turned out to be a brave killer, day).

  1. When you had a dream
  2. Where did the murder take place?
  3. Who exactly did you carry out the sentence on?

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books.

Find your case from the following and find out what the subconscious was trying to warn you about in this dream:

Dream of a demon turning into a human

This can even be related to men's relationships with women. He may be afraid of them or often rejected by them because he does not know how to present himself as strong and strong man. This dream represents our inner selfish and selfish desires. This dream depicts our inner secret traits and characteristics that we do not want to show to others. We keep them inside and fight them with all means.

Dream of a demon chasing you

This dream may even be related to our boss or other authority figure in our life who often torments us or makes us feel bad about ourselves. This dream is one of the most uncomfortable. If you were dreaming about being haunted by a demon, then you may be worried about something in your life. This problem stresses you out once again and you don't know how to deal with it.

  • Kill an unknown person in a dream. The dream marks deliverance from internal anxieties and torments. But you should show cordiality and patience towards others, talk with friends and relatives, otherwise everything could turn into a scandal;
  • To take the life of a person of the opposite sex. Such a dream brings unexpected love in reality. The process itself also plays a role: if you were killed with a knife in the heart, passionate feelings will come from the person, and not from you. If you stabbed your victim, then the attraction will most likely be unrequited and suggests crazy actions on your part;
  • Send a person to the next world in his home. The dream is interpreted extremely positively if you do not hate the person. In reality, the victim will have a good, prosperous life. And a single representative of the stronger sex, sent by you to heaven in his house, will be able to get a wife and lose the “honorable status” of a bachelor;
  • If in a dream you killed a loved one. The subconscious brings you news about an imminent trip, on a business trip or vacation from work. We advise you to remember your condition, because if you:
  1. If you were sad and grieved for a person who was unlucky enough to die at your hands, then the difficult long journey will bring you laurels and material benefits;
  2. They were sincerely happy and laughing. It is possible that your heart is restless, there are many questions and hidden emotions that you do not give way to;

After such a dream, gossip and evil conversations about you are not uncommon, and ill-wishers may also appear.

Dream of being possessed by a demon

Perhaps you did something to break the law or something that would lead to severe punishment, and now you feel guilty and afraid at the same time. If you had a dream of being possessed by a demon, you might experience something bad that would be caused by other people. You may end up getting hurt by someone's words or actions on purpose. You will be very hurt by this person and betrayed at the same time because you did not expect this to happen.

Dreaming about talking to a demon

If you had this dream, you could become a victim of fraud or betrayal. You may be tricked by someone into doing something forbidden and against the law. This takes a toll on you and can make you responsible even if you had good intentions.

  • Murder of a man in the garden. Seeing the death of a person at your hands in the garden predicts good luck for that very victim, which acquaintances and friends can only envy;
  • Intentional or accidental murder of a girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream. The dream predicts the emergence of circumstances due to which you will have to part with him (her) for a while;
  • Kill a person in self-defense. Regardless of whether it is a stranger, a friend or an enemy, you will get rid of the fear of him for a long time after you have protected yourself from him in a dream;
  • Strangle a person in a dream. Extols the successful completion of a task, internal harmony. For a sick person, it means an inevitable recovery and relief from the signs of a boring illness.

The method of murder that you used at that fateful moment also plays an important role in the characteristics of the dream. No, now the caliber and model of, for example, the pistol from which you shot the offender is not very interesting. The very fact of firing a pistol is important. So, dear reader, plunge into your dreams again and find exactly your case:

Dream of being loyal to a demon

You must be careful with your actions and beware of suspicious people around you. If something seems suspicious to you, then by all means stay away from it. This dream represents a change in your workplace. You may get a new boss, or you may face certain changes in your business environment. You already suspected this would happen, and you won't be very surprised by it.

Dream of dancing with a demon

This dream represents the power you will have for other people. You may be promoted to a higher position in your job or gain higher social status. This dream has a very positive aspect and you will be very lucky in your social and business endeavors.

  • A stick or hammer was used. If you dreamed that you killed a person on the head with a stick or a hammer, then this is a clear omen of deception or cunning intentions on the part of friends, work colleagues or a significant other. If you have lost heart, then rejoice - the deception will be revealed very soon, and in no case will you be left a fool;
  • Setting fire to or drowning a person in a dream. Symbolizes good health or recovery. Some dream books advise paying attention and smoothing out rough edges in relationships with specific people before a scandal occurs due to omissions;

This is the right time to take action and create a new project because all your hard work will definitely pay off. This dream has a very negative connotation. This means the dreamer will die soon naturally or by accident. If the dreamer had a dream about other people feeding the demon, then they would die. Not a pleasant dream at all and we can certainly list it in the category of nightmares.

If you are married and have this dream, you probably have some problems in your marriage with your spouse. You may have problems that distract you from real problems and you cannot solve them. If you're not married, this may affect your current relationship with your boyfriend or someone you're romantically involved with. You may be submissive to them and take on more burdens than you should.

  • Kill a man with a pistol. It is quite possible that a gun appeared in your hands after watching an action movie. But, in any case, dream books suggest that a person with a pistol keep passion and strong emotions under control. Your sincerity can be used for selfish purposes and directed against you;
  • The knife acted as a tool. The frantic swinging of the sword at the behest of your consciousness reminds you of unfulfilled dreams. This is also a sure sign that in life you are using forces in completely the wrong way.

Did you have a dream yesterday, the day before yesterday or a week ago? It is advisable to remember the day of the week on the night of which your subconscious presented you with an action movie with you in the leading role.

Dream of a demon when you're sick

This dream has a positive meaning and you will be able to complete some project that you have been working on and all of them will be extremely successful. This is the right time to start doing something new because your plans will definitely be successful. This dream has no positive value. If you are sick and have had this dream, make sure you visit your doctor to get your condition checked. This dream could be a sign that your condition is getting worse and you need to be careful and ready to accept any bad news.

If the dream occurred on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Dreams with the presence of a crime or a fight on this day indicate a wide range of possibilities for the person who had the dream. You have many acquaintances and friends. A dream on one of these three days of the week may foretell the conclusion of a very profitable deal;

A dream that you had on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. A dream that came to you on one of these days should be treated with caution, since dreams these days often turn out to be prophetic. It is worth abandoning risky projects and forgetting about adventures. Invest carefully and don't rely on luck.

Dream about your family member being possessed by a demon

This dream is again negative and it represents that you may become a victim of a terrible crime or maybe you will experience a crime committed by someone. You have to be careful around strangers and be willing to do the right thing. This dream represents possible negative energy within your family. You may be fighting with someone in your family over something and now you are transferring those feelings into your dreams. This dream makes you remember everything you have done and maybe not in a way that you can fix it.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. Freud, as always, looks at the root and claims that you need to get rid of a boring relationship or job after such a dream. The psychoanalyst also advises to radically change the boring situation, and not to deceive yourself.
  2. Miller's dream book does not bring reassurance at all - you will be involved in a shameful situation or become a victim of an atrocity, as the psychologist predicts.
  3. Vanga speaks surprisingly optimistically about this, because when you kill a person, especially a stranger, you lose your fears and move forward.

There is nothing more important than your family and you need to take care of this relationship because the connections with your family members are something very valuable. This dream represents deep emotional and psychological issues that may be occurring at the moment. You are burdened with something very serious and you don't know how to deal with it. To make these nightmares stop, confront your problems and make them go away without letting them take over your entire life.

Homicide dreams refer to an aspect of your personality that is quite easily influenced by external factors in your daily life. If you kill someone in a dream, it means that you are trying to escape from this influence, perhaps exerted on you by another person. Spiritually, killing in a dream is a sign of offering.

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