The living will stand on a par with the dead. Immortal Regiment. The dead will stand next to the living

Immortal Regiment. The dead will stand next to the living.

The soothsayer from Bulgaria Vanga often gave predictions that were striking in their unusualness. But to my surprise, almost all of her predictions came true. Only recently another of her predictions came true: “Russia will become a Great Power when the dead rise from their graves and stand on a par with the living.”

For example, after the launch of three cosmonauts - Komarov, Volkov and Patsev - an accident occurred. After disembarking their capsule, three were found dead. Then, with Aunt Slava, the Soviet “comrades” come to see what the reason for the unsuccessful landing is. And then she tells them that she sees a ship from a powerful laser beam caused by US territory.

This happens during " cold war" The official version of the unsuccessful landing of Komarov, Volkov and Patsayev is overheating of the air filter. Slava Sevrukova rarely names the time when prophecies come true. The good news for all Bulgarians is that our homeland will experience real growth in the coming decades. Our country will be respected, it would proudly call itself “Bulgarian”. However, before that we will drink the bitterness to the bottom. Our fall under Turkish slavery is the atonement for our sins. However, Bulgaria will not disappear, unlike many other countries, which will not be able to withstand the challenges of the new millennium.

Hearing this prediction, one might think that it is absolutely not absurd, because how can “the dead rise from their graves”? But what happened this year absolutely changed the minds of millions of Russians. If we speak figuratively, then “the dead really rose from their graves and walked” along with the living. This is exactly the prophecy Vanga gave. The prophecy came true on May 9, 2015, on the 70th anniversary of the great and sacred holiday of Victory Day over the fascist invaders.

We meet with Hrino Nanev in a cafe in Plovdiv. Slava Sevrukova did not want to say anything about her. She knew that it was dangerous to talk about the future, but at the same time she was convinced that if the Bulgarians found out, they had a chance to change the planned events, says Hristo Nanev, with coffee. According to him, the prophetess did not give a clear time frame for when these catastrophic events became a fact, but it was categorical that this would happen when Bulgaria was already well governed by the European Union: What is very interesting here is her prediction that she says “When we enter Europe” , then this separation will become, and Europe will look surprised and will not know how to react.

What is the “Immortal Regiment”?
"Immortal Regiment" is an interregional action designed to preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War, about everyone who, without sparing their lives, fought for the liberation of the Motherland. “Immortal Regiment” for everyone who “forged” Victory. These are soldiers, officers, home front workers, concentration camp prisoners who have passed away or live next to us. In 2013, the “Immortal Regiment” was registered in Minnesota of the Russian Federation as the Interregional Historical and Patriotic Movement “Immortal Regiment” (without the right to conduct commercial activities).

It's all so calm and gentle. And then, he says, the Serbs will get to us first. So, there is logic, because the Serbs experienced similar processes, said Hristo Nanev. He clarifies that the forecasts were made 30 years ago, when the prospect of joining the EU in Bulgaria seemed unthinkable. The Plovdiv researcher adds: She did not say when, but it was clear that the fall of our country would continue until this unfortunate event. And only when part of our country breaks out, Aunt Slava says: “I see how the Bulgarian people are rising as one,” that is, they will be mobilized.

Who can stand in the column of the “Immortal Regiment”?
Anyone who wants to help the holy cause of preserving the memory of the great achievements of our ancestors - fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, can stand in the column of the “Immortal Regiment”, everyone who on May 9 comes with a photo / banner of their hero or simply writes the name of their soldier on a piece of paper .

Probably without realizing it, this bluff plan to debulgarize the southeastern part of the country was activated in the 1990s. The scandals involving the Yuzeiro brothers and their Muslim party seem to complement the apocalyptic picture of the near future. The prisons will be filled with Nazis and traitors who until recently ruled us, and the Bulgarians, as one, will defend their country.

Only then will there be a real “awakening” and a push from the bottom. The rise of the Bulgarian state in the third millennium. Aunt Slava’s apocalyptic prophecy is complemented by the prediction that “after the change of 14 governments since the beginning of the changes,” the head of the country will become a statesman who will lead him to growth. In the early 1980s, he was a 7-year-old child. For him, Slava Sevrukova says that he is “the spirit of David incarnate.” Who will "comprehend the shame of people who did not make a male."

What is a pillar?
A sign is an enlarged photograph mounted on thick cardboard/plastic, laminated (protected from precipitation), attached to a holder.

What should be depicted on the sign?
On most of the sign there is a photograph of the hero, in the lower part
signer - last name, first name, patronymic, rank, years of life (if not alive),
date of birth (if the person is still alive today).

Hristo Nanev adds: And then there will be a boom in the country. Then the planet will be subjected to unprecedented cataclysms. Many countries will disappear, but Bulgaria will remain. The head of Sevrukov “sees” changes in the earth’s crust and natural disasters. Rest assured that our country will be relatively little affected by them.

In the 21st century, Bulgaria will achieve unprecedented spiritual prosperity. Our country will be glorified by the brilliant minds and scientists who will provide human knowledge. With its tranquility and beauty, our country is very similar to Switzerland, but will never become an “economic tiger”.

We invite you to download a frame for a photo of your hero, specially designed for the event, which can be inserted into it in any editor program on a personal computer.
Photo frame with transparent background in print quality:

On May 9, 2015, on the 70th anniversary of the great and sacred holiday of Victory Day over Nazi invaders, the military parade of equipment and power of the Russian state absolutely overshadowed the incredible spirit that reigned during the passage of " immortal regiment" All of Russia lined up in one row to honor the memory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers who died during the terrible years of the war.

Interview, Hristo Nanev, writer. Slava Shevruk, who called her “Sofia Vanga”, she was a prophetess at a very high level. Aunt Slava was not a celebrity in life because he avoided looking broadly, disapproving of clairvoyant clairvoyance. She said: I am the Glory to whom glory is not given. This life for me will be heard after my death, only after my death. Aunt Slava worked in the field of nuclear physics and made her discoveries, for which he received impressive diplomas. In some of them they called her "professor emeritus."

Who did the scientific research on Head Sevrukova? He used it as an ultra-powerful microscope to penetrate the microcosm to study the ideas of the atomic nucleus and inward, inward, to a degree that a microscope could not reach. They published these articles in the book “Psychotronic Model of the Microworld,” which appeared in the year of Aunt Slava’s death. She couldn't see the book, but she described its cover and what it would look like.

The history of Russia has never seen anything like this. The action, organized by ordinary citizens, received incredible excitement. It brought together millions of people around the world. Even the organizers themselves did not expect that so many Russians would join this formation. Millions of Russians with photographs of their ancestors marched in one formation along the central streets of Russian cities, showing the whole world that we remember all the soldiers who died in those years, that their deaths were not in vain.

And how many of these visions have been proven true? The most striking evidence is the joint publication of Slava Sevrukkova and Associate Professor Lozensky in the American Journal of Psychology on the crystal lattice structure of a silicon crystal. Three years later, American scientists improved the so-called “Tunnel Electron Microscope” and discovered a crystal lattice structure that has a surprising coincidence with what was described by Slava Sevrukkova and then “Professor” unofficially.

As far as I know from your books, Slava Sevrukova knew Aunt Vanga. Vanga appreciates her and says that she is at a very high level. Two clairvoyants have a very interesting meeting. They for a long time were in contact, they have their own channels. I have been given a lot to you, but you are given three times more. Vanga even wonders why Aunt Slavan is watching, but the truth is that he is running away from popularity.

And so, observing the birth of a new tradition, someone remembered the prophecy of Vanga, who said “ Russia will become a Great Power when the dead rise from their graves and stand on a par with the living».

In the current year 2016 new tradition celebrated its first anniversary, so it’s time to turn again to Vanga’s famous prophecy and take stock.

The head of Sevrukkov was convinced of the existence of reincarnation. She saw her previous lives, she could see some of her future lives. In a series of past existences, she was clairvoyant. What characterizes her is that she was born with a gift. This makes her an excellent exception to all other people with clairvoyant abilities, since most of them manifest themselves after clinical death.

Aunt Slava claimed that in her previous life she was a Russian countess in St. Petersburg with very great clairvoyant abilities, with three children who did not pay attention to her, given to her. It celebrates world celebrities such as Pushkin. And she tells Pushkin that he should hold her a white man on a white horse. She told him: “If you avoid this encounter, you will live for more than 70 years, but if you encounter it, it will be fatal to your life.”

So the question is:

Has Russia become a Great Power?

Declared itself, showed independence of decision-making and military power? Yes, sure. However, no matter what the whole world does, it continues to look back at the US reaction. US military units are located in many countries. And it is the United States, and not Russia, that dictates its world order to the world.

Pushkin's killer, Dante, is an albino - with a white panther, and only one of the squadrons rides on a white horse. More obvious comparisons. At the same time, Dante searches his wife, and Pushkin goes into a head-on collision with him - a duel that costs him his life. It turned out that there is one, says Alexandra Kirchoff. Pushkin and Gogol really entered. Aunt Slavuna, how do you know her?

She had a fourth ward, she couldn't accommodate these things. There are two good predictions about the future of the country. One of them is that the spirit of the incarnate David has already appeared in Bulgaria. This prophecy was made in the early 1980s. Unfortunately, Auntie glorifies the emergence of this great statesman after the splitting of the south-eastern part of the country. Maybe we can get the timing wrong. Another prophecy is that a woman will at some point be at the head of state, and Slava Sevruukovna will announce whether this lady will be prime minister.

Of course, after the Sochi Olympics, the events in Ukraine, the return of Crimea, the Syrian campaign, Russia’s global status and its authority increased significantly, but it has not yet become a Great Power with influence over the whole world. And this must be recognized.

Well, if Vanga’s prophecy, in fact, referred to the “immortal regiment”, does it mean that she was talking about the Great Power of Russia that we have now?

And then there will also be a boom in the country, and this Strong woman will mobilize the country's creative energy. It downloads a lot of fatal events and you have to be careful. According to old folk beliefs, in the fall, when nature dies, the dead return to Earth, and ghosts and demons frighten the living. Therefore, a custom called Dziady is commonly practiced.

The name of the customs, which are now forgotten and known mainly from the work of Adam Mickiewicz, came, according to the ethnographer Elubiet Dudek-Mlynarska, from the belief in the return of the souls of ancestors, that is, grandfathers. However, only the souls of ancestors who died of natural causes were called this.

Those who hastened to tie up the procession of the “immortal regiment” were more likely to make a mistake than the seer.

What needs to happen for it to become clear to everyone, without any interpretation, that the well-known prophecy has been fulfilled?

Among the opinions expressed on forums on the Internet, there is a mention of the Day of Judgment, because according to the Bible, then the resurrection of the dead will occur. Formally, this opinion can be considered correct. However, it is still wrong.

Ethnographers recall that every solstice, including autumn, was considered a time of struggle between two forces: brightness and darkness. It was believed that at that time the border between the world of the living and the dead was thin. The belief in the meeting of two spheres, as ethnographer Andrzej Karczmarzewski said, was reflected in the ambivalent attitude of people: on the one hand, they were concerned about maintaining communication with the dead through prayer in their intentions, and on the other hand, they feared deaths: murders, suicides , victims of accidents.

It was believed that these souls were doomed to wander forever on earth as demons and would not experience eternal peace. The bodies of these dead were usually buried in the place where they died, and their graves were called cruds. Custom required that someone passing by such a grave throw a green branch at it. When a pile of branches had gathered, they were set on fire. It was believed that this would help demons atone for wine committed during their lives, explained the head of the ethnographic museum in Rzeszow, Elbbieta Dudek-Mlynarska.

Or maybe there are other sources that contain similar prophecies?

Indeed, in the Bible, such a prophecy is present.

"[Dan.12:1] And at that time there shall arise... a great prince who stands for the children of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as never happened since men existed until this time; but they shall be saved in it time, all of your people who are found will be written in the book.

On the other hand, those who died of natural causes were believed to visit their old homes, where they stayed for several days, and that is why Dziady was celebrated mainly at home. In many places in the region, windows and doors were opened so that souls could freely enter and partake of the dinner prepared for them. However, in order not to damage the peace of mind, do not do a lot of actions, such as muslin-shaped cabbage, so as not to trample the soul, trampling it, pouring water, so as not to pour out the soul, and when the spoon was thrown away, it was not allowed to be picked up.

It was believed that the soul needed food. For example, it was forbidden to hit the table with your fist so as not to frighten the souls sitting next to it, and all conversations could only concern dead ancestors. It was also believed that the dead gathered in the church at midnight for services that celebrated the deceased priest. In this regard - as ethnographers note - the coffin and missal were left in the church and stolen; it was believed that the late clergyman would celebrate a midnight mass for the purgatory souls of the dead parishioners, while the souls of the other dead would pray.

[Dan.12:2] And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awaken , some for eternal life, others for eternal reproach and shame."

So, the dead will rise with the living when the Russian Tsar appears. Under him, Russia will become a Great Power.

Of course, you will not find a direct reference to Russia in the Bible, but this prophecy of Daniel refers to the near future, when our monarchical system of government will be restored. Many saints spoke about this, but we will pay attention to the prophecies of Abel:

“And the Great Prince will rise in exile from your family, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the Chosen One of God, and on his head will be a blessing. He will be united and understandable to everyone, the very Russian heart will smell it. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one says: “The king is here or there,” but everyone: “It’s him.”. The will of the people will submit to the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his calling… "

Recently, many contenders for the Russian throne have appeared. Who doesn't see themselves as monarchs? Many of them, knowing the prophecy of Abel, or do not notice the words " He will be united and understandable to everyone", or they don’t want to do this, but meanwhile, the words of the prophet clearly say that there will not be many, there will be only One candidate.

Where will the rest disappear to?

Impostors strive for power, dreaming of achieving a social status where, as it seems to them, everything will be allowed to them. They need the title of monarch only to gain unlimited opportunities to satisfy their wildest desires, without fear of condemnation. Many of these impostors set up online sites where they post evidence of their chosenness by God and even outlines of programs for reforming society. These dreamers are counting on the “election of the Tsar of All Rus'.” But such shows are staged in peacetime. When the danger of decay and destruction is great, people follow those who are able to lead to victory.

In real Russian society there are groups of people who long for the restoration of the monarchy, but their number is significantly inferior to the number of opponents of this idea. However, it is worth noting that the current President of Russia, V. Putin, by his example, has set fairly high standards for choosing the next candidate for the post of head of state. In connection with this, people are really discussing the questions “Who is next?” or “If not Putin, then who?” Thus, the topic of the next ruler is already in the air, although not intrusively.

As long as the established system of power operates in Russia, the next expected elections will not be “royal”, but “presidential”. And their outcome is quite obvious.

What do the saints say about the future of the current system of government in Russia?

Elder Visarion (Optina Pustyn):

"Something like this will happen in Russiacoup d'etat. The Chinese will attack that same year. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be a unification of Russians according to the Orthodox principle "

Many prophecies of saints predict severe upheavals in Russia that will prompt the people to elect a Tsar. None of the saints even hint at peaceful elections; on the contrary, they talk about a choice that the people will be forced to make under the pressure of very catastrophic circumstances.

V. Putin, for example, is predicted by St. Basil the Blessed to be removed from power:

“the fourth sovereign will come, who will be called the Great Horseman, the short-lived great sovereign, the Great Potter. If he is pure in soul and thoughts, he will bring down his sword on the robbers and thieves. Not a single thief will escape reprisal or shame. The Russian people will rejoice, but there will be evil spirits who will silently kill the Great Horseman. And there will be a great cry in Rus'... ". After him, "they will put in place a foolish young man (D. Medvedev)", who will soon "be driven out along with his retinue." Riots will begin in Moscow, similar to what we saw not so long ago in Ukraine. Then the corpse will be taken out of the Mausoleum and the patriarch will be driven away Kirill.

Is there any doubt that our overseas partners, the United States, are very interested in such developments in Russia? I believe that it is no secret to anyone that the implementation of the Ukrainian Maidan cost the States 5 billion. dollars. One can only guess what amounts they are currently allocating to organize a coup in Russia.

It is also clear that the West does not need Russia in any form. Plans to dismember it into small parts have existed since the First World War. Of course, when they manage to carry out their plan and carry out a coup in Russia, they will encourage our neighboring countries to invade our territories:

« China will go to war against us and occupy all of Siberia to the Urals. The Japanese will rule the Far East. Russia will begin to be torn apart. A terrible war will begin. Russia will remain within the time of Tsar Ivan the Terrible..."Schimonk John of Uglich (Yaroslavl region, Uglich district):

When there is a clear threat of total destruction, the Russian people will begin to look for a Leader, cat. can lead his militia, pacify the conspirators and repel external aggression. The impostors at this time will forget about their ambitions, because their reforms were not designed for such a turn, and will not stick their neck out.

And how will the people recognize their true Leader? What needs to be done for people to recognize him without further explanation?

Fulfillment of this condition is possible only if the new Leader appears in some unusual way. E. Casey said: “The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power thanks to the power of its new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him "

Whether it is possible to consider the awakening of the saints, whose relics have rested from ancient times to the present world in Christian churches and tombs, is up to you to decide. However, there can be no doubt that this event is extraordinary. Something similar has already happened in human history. There is evidence of this in the Gospels:

"[Matthew 27:50] Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and gave up the ghost....

[Matthew 27:51] And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook; and the stones dissipated;

[Matthew 27:52] and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were resurrected

[Matthew 27:53] and, coming out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered the holy city and appeared to many."

However, during the appearance of a new leader, the awakening of the dead will not be the only unique event. An earthquake wave will also sweep across the world. There will be other signs, but it’s too early to talk about them.

Abel said, “He will be one and understandable to everyone,” because no one can appear in this way.

Nevertheless, the prophet adds, “he himself will confirm his calling.” The new Leader will confirm these words with His actions:

"...but when The Russian land will be divided and one side will clearly remain with the rebels, while the other will clearly become for the Sovereign and the Fatherland and the Holy Church, and the Lord will preserve the Sovereign and the entire Royal family with His invisible right hand and will give complete victory to those who took up arms for him, for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land, but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side for the Sovereign receives victory and catches all the traitors and delivers them into the hands of Justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last, cleansing blood, for after that the Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt His Anointed David, His servant, Husband according to His own heart. Venerable Seraphim of Sarov* 1832."

The right side, which the Monk Seraphim spoke about, I believe, will have in its ranks the saints who have risen from sleep.

The coup d'etat in Russia will be a turning point for the entire Earth. It is Russia that is now holding back the whole world from the outbreak of the Third World War. Without our support, Turkey would have long ago begun to openly fight against Syria, and after victory it would have aggressively acted against Armenia and Georgia. And there are prophecies pointing to such a development of events. Therefore, the weakening of Russia’s influence will be like a trigger that will launch the flywheel of the Third World War.

St. Basil, for example, says about it this way: “in the very south of the black arap kingdom, a leader in a blue turban will appear, he will throw lightning, and turn many countries into ashes,” however, after the Russian people, under the leadership of the New Leader, eliminate the unrest , he will “unite and destroy this leader.”

Alipia Goloseevskaya said that it would begin on the autumn of Peter and Paul, the year when the corpse was taken out of the Mausoleum. This date falls on November 2. The Third World War will not last long. And it will not be stopped without technology. which our Leader will have:

“[Rev. 6:12] ... there was a great earthquake, and the sun became dark as sackcloth, and the moon became like blood.

[Rev.6:13] And the stars of heaven (nuclear bombs) fell to the earth, as a fig tree, shaken by a strong wind, drops its unripe figs.

[Rev.6:14] And the sky disappeared, curled up like a scroll (somersault of the Earth and change of poles); and every mountain and island moved from their places.

[Rev.6:15] And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the captains of thousands, and the mighty men, and every slave and every free man (combatants) hid themselves in the caves and in the defiles of the mountains,

[Rev.6:16] and they say to the mountains and stones: Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb;

[Rev.6:17] For the great day of His wrath has come, and who can stand?”

The first blow, global in nature, but less powerful, will occur with the appearance of the New Leader of Russia. Because of this, there will be serious destruction in the United States, why they will be forced to deal with their own problems, and not support the forces that, at their instigation, will stage a coup in Russia. After the second strike, which will stop the Third World War, the flooding of many territories throughout the Earth will begin. The tilt of the Earth's axis will change, and shifts in tectonic plates will change its appearance.

After the victory, an official ceremony of anointing the New Leader as king will take place in Russia. He himself will confirm His calling by that time, so His confirmation will be met unanimously. In the ranks of the people's militia, together with the living, the saints who have risen from their graves will stand, and then no one will dispute that Rus' has become a Great Power. However, over the next 7 years, she will confirm her Greatness more than once, because the most difficult time for humanity since the appearance of the New Leader will only begin to count down:

"[Rev. 6:1] And I saw that the Lamb opened the first of seven seals, and I heard one of the four animals saying, as if in a voice of thunder: Come and see.

[Rev.6:2] I looked, and behold, a white horse, and one who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him; and he came out [as] victorious, and to win."

After the appearance of the King, it will begin World War III:

"[Rev.6:3] And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second animal say: come and see.

[Rev.6:4] And another horse came out, a red one; And to him who sits on him it is given to take peace from the earth, and to killed each other; and a great sword was given to him."

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