Diseases of the nails on the toes and hands, photos, descriptions, symptoms. How to determine health status by nails (11 signs) What diseases can be determined by nails

“Hands are the most honest part of a woman: they will tell you what her tongue will never reveal,” the French joke, hinting that you can tell your carefully hidden age by looking at your hands.

In fact, hands are much more eloquent. By the condition of the hands, and especially the nails, one can judge about disorders in the human body.
Nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:
If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish, or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a problem in the circulatory system or an infection in the lungs (pneumonia).
Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
Horizontal dents or pits remain after a sudden change in diet that has an adverse effect on the body.
Brittle nails are most often caused by frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious cause of brittle nails is metabolic disorders.
White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate diseases of the respiratory tract.
The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
Concave nails (spoon-shaped) can be a sign of anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body.
The nail holes become whitish or pearly if the skin receives insufficient nutrition.
Nails begin to peel or split if there is a problem with the ovaries.
Using the nails, you can also determine the approximate time of the appearance of deviations in the functioning of a particular organ. In a week, fingernails grow by about 1 mm, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation, due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole, appeared about 3 months ago.

Grooves are a sign of an unbalanced diet

Nails with a blue tint may indicate an infection in the lungs

Dry and brittle nails - metabolic disorder, with a yellow tint - fungal infection

In old age, nails may be lighter, which can also be a sign of disease

White nails with a dark rim - liver disease
Hands can also reveal the secret of internal changes in the body:
Purple color of the fingertips indicates poor functioning of the digestive system.
The dark red color of the fingertips with a lilac tint indicates problems with the kidneys.
Spots on the skin of the tubercles of Venus indicate disorders of the reproductive system.
Red nodules between the fingers may appear due to thyroid disease.
Rough skin on back side index fingers - a sign of gallbladder dysfunction.

Inflammation of the connective tissues of the nail
Nail care questions: Is it true that nail polishes contain toxic substances?
The opinion about the harmful effects of varnishes on the health of nail plates is widespread. This is only partly true. Only low-quality varnishes of dubious origin have a harmful effect on nails. High-quality varnishes not only do not harm nails, but, on the contrary, nourish, strengthen and protect them. Nail coatings enriched with proteins, calcium, natural oils and vitamins are especially useful. However, even under the highest quality nail polish of a bright or dark color (scarlet, purple, dark brown, black, etc.), a protective base should be applied - it does not allow bright coloring pigments to be absorbed into the nail plate and then the nails do not change their natural color.

Bad habit or sign of constant anxiety
What are different manicure products - varnishes, bases, fixatives?
All manicure products are complex compositions made up of chemical substances of five basic groups: solvents, thinners, plasticizers, film-forming substances and dyes. In addition to the basic components, manicure products include specific additives aimed at nail care (natural oils, vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc.).
Attention: low-quality varnishes may contain substances hazardous to health. These substances not only can cause allergic reactions, but also stimulate the growth of cancer cells and can cause fetal deformities in pregnant women (!).
The following are recognized as dangerous components of nail polishes: toluene, resin sulfonamide, formaldehyde, methacrylate, dibutyl phthalate (DBF). The base for varnish (base) is the same varnish, only without dyes. The content of caring components in the base is usually higher than in decorative varnish. The purpose of the base coat is to prevent the penetration of bright pigments into the nail plate, which over time give the nails a yellow color. The special base can be replaced with regular light or clear varnish. A fixative (protective coating) is a product that protects not nails, but decorative varnish. Its task is to protect the varnish pigments from fading in light, impart strength to the varnish coating and maintain the original shine of the varnish. There are no caring components in the fixative, since they cannot penetrate the nail plate through the layer of decorative varnish.
The following nutritional supplements will help strengthen your nails: vitamins A and D, calcium, proteins. But perhaps the most pleasant way is to eat 200 grams on an empty stomach for a month. fruit jelly, as gelatin is good for nails. It stimulates their growth, makes them stronger and smoother.

This is what healthy nails look like

Nails are horny plates located on the back surface of human fingers. They are one of the areas most susceptible to various diseases and injuries, along with the skin and mucous membranes, as they are constantly in contact with an aggressive external environment. Pathological processes can cause violations of the integrity of the nail and the appearance of all kinds of complications. To avoid the development of pathologies, you should promptly pay attention to alarming symptoms and begin treatment.

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail plate. The disease can spread to one nail or several. In severe cases, the epidermis, epithelial membranes and hair are also affected. Most often, the pathology develops due to the proliferation of dermatophyte fungi in the patient’s body, which feed on keratin.

Attention! In most cases, onychomycosis initially affects the nail plates on the toes, and why does the patient himself transfer the infection to his hands?

Infection most often occurs when the patient visits public places, where the most favorable conditions are created for the reproduction and transmission of the pathogen. The fungus can persist for a long time in warm and humid areas. Cork and wooden surfaces pose a particular epidemic risk, as they have a porous surface. In these microholes, the fungus can exist for several years in a spore state.

Attention! Autoimmune onychomycosis also occurs. With this pathology, pathogens present in the human body, due to a severe weakening of the immune system, begin to actively multiply and infect the nail plates.

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • feeling of itching and burning of the skin around the nail;
  • deformation of the nail plate, the appearance of depressions, “waves” and creases;
  • change in nail color, appearance of gray, whitish or yellowish spots on the nail;
  • delamination and fragility of the nail plate;
  • peeling of the skin around the nail, the appearance of dry plaques and cracks;
  • formation of weeping papules in the interdigital spaces.

Therapy for onychomycosis includes the following measures:

  1. Treatment of the nail and nail bed with products with an antiseptic effect. It is recommended to select drugs with a fungicidal, that is, antifungal, effect. The most commonly used solution Fukortsin or Castellani. You need to wipe the affected area twice a day.
  2. Keratolytic patches are used to peel off nails affected by fungus: Mycospor, Junlei etc.
  3. Application of special varnish coatings to the nail plate to destroy the pathogen: Irunin, Lotseril.
  4. The use of ointments and gels with fungicidal action. Most drugs also have an analgesic, cooling and antipruritic effect. The most popular are Acyclovir, Mycomax, Terbizil and etc.


Psoriasis is a chronic disease of non-infectious origin, which in most cases affects the epidermis. This pathology is included in the group of lichens, but is of an autoimmune nature and is not transmitted from person to person. Psoriatic nail lesions are quite rare. In most cases, it manifests itself as a syndrome of psoriasis of the epidermis or joints.

Attention! In rare cases, nail psoriasis develops as an independent disease. In this case, it can be quite difficult to differentiate it from onychomycosis.

Symptomatic manifestations of the pathology directly depend on the form of psoriasis. Most often, patients experience the following: manifestations diseases:

  1. Itching and burning of the epidermis around the nail, peeling and the appearance of scales and cracks.
  2. The appearance of an inflamed, hyperemic border around the perimeter of the affected nail bed.
  3. Changes in the structure and color of the nail. The nail plate quickly deteriorates and becomes grayish or yellow-brown in color. When pressed hard, the nail bends or crumbles.
  4. Furrows, depressions and loose areas of dull yellow color form on the surface of the nail plate.
  5. Due to the thinning of the nail, capillaries and petechiae - small subcutaneous hemorrhages - can be visible through it.

Damage to the nail plate with psoriasis

Treatment nail psoriasis is usually based on the use of topical agents:

  1. Creams containing steroids. Hormone-containing drugs are aimed directly at eliminating the pathological autoimmune process. In most cases, specialists prescribe Triamcinolone or Prednisolone.
  2. Medicines with vitamin D3. They are necessary to strengthen the nail plate and stop the formation of psoriatic plaques. Used for the treatment of psoriasis Taklonex, Tacalcinol And Daivonex.
  3. Medicines with a dermatotropic effect. They are aimed at reducing the formation of pathological cells and, as a result, reducing the clinical symptoms of the disease or forming remission. For psoriatic nail lesions it is used Dithranol, Dimexide, Anthralin.
  4. Salicylic acid solution. You need to wipe the affected area with this product daily to remove keratinized particles and plaque that have formed on the surface of the nail.

Attention! It is recommended to use products containing corticosteroids for no more than 5-7 days in a row. Only a doctor can prescribe the medication regimen and dosage.

Physiotherapy is also used as part of complex therapy: magnetic wave procedures, phonopheresis, ultraviolet treatment and local baths.

Attention! Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. To prevent relapse of the pathology, it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.

Onychoschisis is a disorder in which the nail plate is destroyed due to destructive-dystrophic processes. Pathology can develop as an independent process caused by exogenous or endogenous factors, or in the form of a syndrome in various diseases, for example, fungal nail infections.

Externally, the disorder manifests itself as fragility and brittleness of the nail plate. During a clinical examination by a specialist, a change in the color and texture of the nail is often noted. Onychoschisis can develop due to the following provoking factors:

  • mechanical damage to the nail;
  • use of low-quality varnishes and means for their removal;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the patient’s body;
  • autoimmune pathological reactions, including allergies;
  • direct contact with aggressive substances, household chemicals;
  • thermal burn.

To quickly restore the nail plate, the patient is advised to use vitamins of group A. In most cases, it is necessary to take the drug for at least 4-6 months. The patient is also prescribed a course of intramuscular injections vitamins B6-B12.

Various oils are used for local action directly on the damaged nail: sea ​​buckthorn, olive, anise etc. It is also recommended to do every 3-4 days hand baths with gelatin and masks made of natural wax.

If the pathological process has completely affected the nail and the skin around it, then the patient needs to apply antiseptic dressings. Place sterile gauze soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide directly on the nail. The compress is secured on top with a clean bandage. This bandage will prevent infection from getting on the wound surface and prevent the development of complications.

For onychoschisis, it is also carried out physiotherapy. It includes phonophoresis procedures and baths with the addition of essential oils.

Attention! Onychoschisis often develops as a result of a deficiency of nutrients and elements in the patient’s body. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins A and E once every 6-12 months.

Video - Diagnosis by nails


Panaritium is an acute inflammatory process, which usually results in the formation of suppuration at the base of the nail. In most cases, pathology occurs against the background of a local infectious process. Panaritium can also form on the palmar surface of the hand, but much more often it affects the nail and the area of ​​skin around it. This is due to the abundance of small wounds, cracks and hangnails. Through such damage to the epidermis, the infection easily enters the body and causes acute inflammation. Pathology extremely rarely occurs in an erased form. There are a huge number of nerve endings located in the periungual area of ​​the finger, which is why the panaritium gives the patient intense pain.

In a typical course, the disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • intense, throbbing pain in the affected area;
  • suppuration, the formation of a strip of pus at the base of the nail;
  • pronounced hyperemia, tension of the skin of the periungual fold;
  • local hyperthermia of the affected area, burning sensation;
  • when the infection spreads - throbbing pain in the hand, acute deterioration in health, fever.

Attention! Panaritium is a dangerous disease. The specific anatomy of the finger contributes to the rapid development of the infectious process and damage to deep tissues, including bones and joints. That is why, when pathology appears, you must immediately contact a surgeon.

Panaritium is treated with operational interventions. If necessary, the doctor anesthetizes the affected area, although in most cases the skin around the abscess loses sensitivity. After the panaritium is opened and thoroughly drained. If necessary, after surgery the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs of both local and general action. Most widely used erythromycin And tetracycline ointment.

If the panaritium is immature, then to stimulate the formation of an abscess the patient is advised to undergo physiotherapy: ultraviolet treatment, heat exposure and darsonvalization of the affected area.

The operation to remove felon is performed on an outpatient basis and lasts about 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, a sterile bandage with an antibacterial agent is applied to the affected area.

Nail damage as a symptom

In some cases, a violation of the integrity of the nail plate indicates the development of more extensive and severe pathological processes in the body. In this case, destruction or deformation of the nail is only a sign of an underlying disease that requires urgent attention to a specialist.

Is it possible to diagnose the disease by nails? Ancient healers believed so. What changes occur in certain diseases and what should you pay attention to?

The French believe that hands are the most “honest” part of a woman’s body. Of course, they mean the well-known fact that it is possible to find out the age of a lady by her hands. In fact, studying the hands can also reveal pathological disorders.

Diagnosis of the disease by nails was carried out in Ancient Tibet and China. This method has today undergone changes and is used only as an additional method for the primary detection of the disease, although in some cases it can be quite informative.

Diagnosis of disease by fingernails: how to recognize the disease?

Nail coloring

  • Uneven coloring of the nail plate, the presence of cyanosis or pallor may indicate poor circulation, weakness of the heart or lungs.
  • The appearance of white spots is associated with a lack of calcium, zinc or excess sugar in the blood. This symptom warns of developing diabetes.
  • If white specks (called gifts) appear on the nail of the ring finger, there may be calcium deposits in the kidneys. The formation of specks on the nail of the index finger indicates the accumulation of calcium in the lung tissues.
  • Yellowness of the nail or yellow spots indicate a disorder of fat metabolism, liver disease or respiratory system disease.
  • Paleness of the nail plates is a characteristic symptom of anemia.
  • Red nails are evidence of excess red blood cells.
  • Blue nails are a particularly alarming symptom. It indicates possible disturbances in the functioning of the heart and lungs.
  • If the nail socket turns blue, it is necessary to examine the liver.
  • A red hole occurs in heart failure.
  • A whitish or pearlescent hue of the hole indicates a lack of nutrients.

Nail structure

When diagnosing diseases by nails, attention is also paid to structural changes in the plate.

  • The appearance of transverse furrows indicates a serious infection of an infectious nature, chronic fever and malnutrition.
  • Longitudinal scars are formed due to unbalanced nutrition, poor digestibility of foods (poor digestion) and, as a consequence, due to a lack of important elements in the body.
  • Bitten nails indicate nervous disorders.
  • Pits or horizontal dents form after a strict diet or a radical change in diet that has had a negative effect on the body.
  • Brittle nails can be a symptom of thyroid pathologies. A more trivial reason is also possible: contact with aggressive chemicals (for example, detergents).
  • Various bulges on the nail are formed as a result of a long course of a disease of viral etiology.
  • A knobby nail (protruding strongly above the upper phalanx of the finger) indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.
  • A nail resembling a parrot's beak indicates a chronic cough in the owner.
  • A growth at the end of the nail appears with chronic infections in the lung area.
  • Spoon-shaped nail deformity (severely concave nail) is a consequence of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Splitting and peeling of nails are associated with impaired functioning of the reproductive organs.
  • The formation of almond-shaped veins occurs during rheumatism.
  • Stripes on the nail may indicate intestinal pathologies or diseases of the spleen.

Nail holes

  • Thin small holes occur with problems with the lungs.
  • No nail hole thumb may indicate mental disorders.
  • A decrease in the hole on the index finger occurs with gynecological, liver diseases and disruption of the pancreas.
  • The disappearance or reduction of the hole in the nail plate of the middle finger is a symptom of vascular insufficiency and a tendency to arterial hypertension.
  • Reduction in size or disappearance of the ring finger hole is evidence of metabolic disorders and problems with the lymphatic system.
  • If the hole in the little finger has become smaller, it is necessary to check the heart and the condition of the small intestine. The hole may disappear if the intestines are clogged.

How to recognize the disease in time?

Diagnosis by nails also allows one to determine the time of development of the disease. Since nails grow approximately 1 mm in one week, and the life cycle of the nail plate is approximately six months, the appearance of grooves or spots near the hole may indicate the occurrence of pathological changes approximately 3 months ago.

The methods for identifying diseases by nails, which we will discuss in this article, will help you take timely measures to get rid of the health problem that has arisen.

An experienced physician can determine the state of a person’s health not only by the color of the facial skin and the presence of swelling, circles under the eyes, but also by the condition of the nails.

What do nails say about human health?

Even in ancient times, each fingernail was associated with the state of health of a certain internal organ of the human body.
Healthy nails have a pink color, a smooth surface, and a bit of natural shine. The slightest deviation from this indicates the emergence of health problems.

Video: 5 things your nails tell you about your health

How to determine the disease by fingernails?

When determining the disease, changes in nails should be taken into account:

  • Nail plate design
  • Lunula condition
  • Nail shape
  • Nail color

Diagnosis based on the condition of nails

Plate pattern

  • White spots - low hemoglobin, lack of vitamins, decreased immunity, possible problems with the central nervous system

If only on the index fingers, then there may be excessive deposition of calcium salts

  • Black spots are a sign of endocarditis
  • The nail changes greatly due to fungus and psoriasis
  • Paired horizontal stripes - lack of protein in the diet. Kidney disease, due to which excess protein is excreted from the body
  • Dividing crosswise into two halves indicates advanced kidney disease. The bottom of one half is usually milky in color, the top is normal
  • A line that does not appear due to physical impact is formed when high temperature, fever. They indicate past illnesses; the deeper the line, the more serious the illness.
  • Black spots that do not appear from an injury indicate liver disease, inflammation of the heart membrane
  • A beige or brown formation under the nail warns of the possibility of cancer
  • Yellow or brown spots on the nail at the edge of the nail, may appear due to psoriasis
  • White spots in the form of flakes or crumbling grooves warn of the appearance of fungal diseases
  • Brittle and peeling nails are a sign of a thyroid disorder. Moreover, if hair falls out, skin peels, this may indicate the presence of vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalance
  • Small, numerous dimples are a sign of psoriasis
  • Nail breaks or deep grooves - may be dysbiosis or intestinal ulcer

Lunula condition

observing the state of the lunula

Lunules are white semicircles on the nails, at the border with the cuticle.

  • If the lunula disappears, there are problems with the lungs
  • If only on the index finger, it means the pancreas, liver, and colon are not working well. There may be pelvic diseases. Spheres of lore
  • On the middle finger, the disappearance of a hole indicates a vegetative-vascular disease, heart rhythm disturbance, hypertension or hypotension, this is a harbinger of a failure of the cardiovascular system
  • If on ring finger there is no socket or the socket is getting smaller, this may be a violation of the endocrine system, lymph nodes, this is a call for a mandatory examination of the body
  • On the little finger, the hole disappears quickly, as this is a sign of a problem with the small intestine. It may also disappear in hypertensive patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmias

Video: Diagnosis by nails

Diagnosis by toenails

The toes, as well as the fingers, can say a lot about a person’s state of health:

  • The big two legs are responsible for the brain
  • Index finger on the right - lungs (large intestine), adrenal glands. On the left is the heart (small intestine), thyroid gland
  • The middle toe of the right foot is connected to the internal and external genitalia. Left - sensory organs, pineal gland
  • The ring toe of the right foot diagnoses the kidneys, bladder, testicles and ovaries
  • Left toenail - brain and spinal cord, pituitary gland
  • Little finger nail right leg responsible for the health of the spleen, stomach, pancreas. Left nail - liver, gall bladder, thymus
  • The condition of your toenails can tell you about vascular diseases.
    Thickened big toe nails that cannot be cut with scissors indicate chronic disease of the arteries and veins.
  • Blue coloration of toenails indicates severe circulatory disorders and thrombosis
  • Brittleness and splitting of the nail are a sign of a fungal disease

Nail shape and health

Checking your health by the shape of your nails

An important factor in diagnosis is the shape of the nails.
The outlines of the nail plate are examined: by shape, pattern, size, concave or convex.

There are many options for the shape of nails changed as a result of the disease, let’s consider the main ones:

  • A bent, depressed finger along the entire nail surface indicates a chronic or hereditary addiction to alcohol
  • A flat and short nail indicates heart disease.
  • A nail in the shape of a watch glass is formed from diseases of the bronchi, heart, and lungs. The swollen last phalanges warn of cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, ulcers, and thyroid problems.
  • Increased nail area - a problem with the lungs
    Here it is important to understand that the shape of the nail must be looked at in a comparative period: it was narrow, but has become wide - this indicates a problem. The presence of natural indicators is not considered
  • A flat nail warns of problems with the respiratory organs. If additional changes occur, bronchial asthma is possible. Additional lamination of the marginal rim diagnoses helminthic infestation
  • A nail bent inward in the shape of a tube is a harbinger of cancer. You should not make a diagnosis yourself, but you should make an appointment with your doctor
  • Triangular nails predict spinal disease
  • A concavity in the center of the nail and a bluish tint indicate anemia.
  • A bright pink, rounded, magnifying glass-shaped nail is a sign of respiratory tract disease

Nail color and health

The state of health also depends on the color of the legs:

  • Yellow nails - the liver is not fine
  • Red surface - possible erythremia
  • The entire white surface or partially not reaching the lunula warns of liver cirrhosis
  • Purple and blue nails - congenital heart defect

Nail diagnostics photo and description

Dividing the nail in half - eczema, psoriasis

Transverse grooves are a sign of improper nail care. They are also formed due to stress, infectious disease and other serious illnesses already suffered. Due to poor nutrition and lack of zinc in the body

A longitudinal line is rare. Appears due to acute malnutrition, severe arterial disease, arthritis, lichen planus. Vertical grooves may be a consequence of excess consumption of carbohydrates, iron deficiency, intestinal diseases

White nails, a sign of the development of liver cirrhosis, thyroid disease

Nails half white, half pink, warn of kidney failure

Health by fingernails table

Changes on the nail plate Possible disease
White nails Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
Yellowish, thickened, slow-growing nails Lung problems
Yellowish nails with slight blue discoloration at the base Diabetes
Half white, half pink nails Kidney failure
Red nails Heart problems
Pale and white nails Anemia
Furrows or splitting of the nail surface Psoriasis or arthritis
Thickening of the terminal phalanges of the fingers Lung disease
Black lines under the nail Melanoma
Red, uneven lines along the nail fold Lupus, a connective tissue disease

Without professional knowledge, it is very difficult to diagnose a disease from photographs of nails. The nail plate disorders listed in the article provide help only in the direction that you should pay attention to your health. In case of dramatic changes in natural nails, you should consult a doctor.

Video: Diagnosis by nails

Since, according to Chinese medicine, each of the energy channels emerging on the fingers is associated with one or another organ, naturally, information about the changes occurring in the organs is displayed on the nail plates in the form of characteristic signs.

Nail diagnostics has a long history, which began in Ancient China and Tibet. Doctors of the past diagnosed diseases by the shape, color and other characteristics of the nails. This simple diagnosis of the body helped to identify diseases at an early stage, regardless of the person’s age. Serious nail diagnostics can only be done by an experienced specialist, however, there are simple self-diagnosis techniques that anyone can use.

Diagnosis of diseases based on the shape and relief of nails

  1. Normal shape of a healthy nail.
  2. A short, flat nail is a disease of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Enlarged, convex (like a watch glass) nails - diseases of the heart, lungs, liver or spine.
  4. Flat curved nail - bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
  5. A tube-shaped high nail is a harbinger of a possible cancer. On the fingers - a disease of the upper parts of the body, on the toes - on the lower parts. However, it is not at all necessary that all nails be of this shape.
  6. A concave nail is a sign of mineral metabolism disorders, skin problems, anemia, and thyroid diseases.
  7. A flat nail that is split at the end is a helminthic infestation.
  8. A bitten nail (there is a variant with a nail completely immersed in the flesh) - neuroses, gastritis.
  9. Triangular nail - diseases of the spine.

Diagnosis by nail holes

  • Clearly visible nail holes on all fingers are an indicator of high vitality and good blood circulation.
  • Very small holes or their complete absence - heart failure and circulatory disorders; Possible deficiency of vitamin B12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurosis.
  • Enlarged holes on the nails are a pathology of cardiac activity.
  • The holes are bluish in color - a sign of liver dysfunction.
  • Lumps of a reddish hue are a symptom of heart failure, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Stripes and waves on nails

  • Transverse fissures are a recent severe infectious disease.
  • Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, poor digestion, intestinal problems, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia.
  • Horizontal dents or pits are a change in diet that has had an adverse effect on the body.
  • Stripes and blotches on the nail are diseases of the spleen and small intestine.
  • Brittle grooves on the nail are lime deposits.
  • White cross strokes indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.
  • Almond-shaped waves-veins - rheumatism.

Diagnosis by nail color

  • Uneven, bluish or paler than skin color nail coloring- diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems.
  • Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail- violation of fat metabolism, brain function, as well as diseases of the respiratory tract and liver.
  • White nail color- Possible damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).
  • Pale pink, transparent nails- anemia.
  • White spots on nails may indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes), as well as a disruption of the central nervous system.

Using the nails, you can determine the approximate time of occurrence of deviations in the functioning of a particular organ. In a week, fingernails grow by about 1 millimeter, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation, due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole, appeared about 3 months ago.

Deterioration in the appearance of nails

  • Slow growth, fragility and brittleness of nails- metabolic disorders, lack of iron, calcium, as well as vitamins A, O, group B, deterioration of the functions of the thyroid gland, kidneys, poor blood supply.
  • Nails begin to peel or split- a signal about energy depletion of the digestive system, disorders in the blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems.

Nails can tell not only about illness, but also about recovery. When a person recovers, his nails become even and smooth, the outline of the halo takes on the shape of a small crescent, and the color of the nails is matte, pale pink.

Of course, nail diagnostics will help to suspect possible disorders in the body, but do not forget that such a diagnosis is only preliminary and is a hint, and for a more accurate diagnosis, confirmation is also needed by other indicators.

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