Fairs "Moscow Spring". Scenario “Spring Fair Program for Victory Day

(senior group)

The hall is decorated like a fairground: a painted house, counters. The walls are decorated with objects of folk applied art. Russian folk music sounds. Children and presenter enter:

Ved: Children, have you ever been to a fair? What is a fair?

Children: At the fair, people buy various goods, ride on carousels, and watch performances by funny buffoons.

Ved: We also have a fair today.

The melody of the Russian folk song “Peddlers” sounds. Buffoons enter with a tambourine and rattles.

1 com: Hello, hosts and young hostesses. Hello guests and guests.

2 com: So we came to your fair here. Look at your product and show yourself.

3 com:

Come closer, come closer.

And wipe your eyes.

We are cheerful amusements,

Famous buffoons and scoffers.

1 com:

For a copper nickel we’ll show you everything this way and that way!

Three boxes of pleasure.

3 com:

Come closer, come closer,

Look at our laughs!

Buffoons and children perform dance choruses.

1 com:

I'll sell the spinning wheel, I'll sell the spindle.

I’ll buy an accordion and go dancing.

2 com:

Oh, stamp your foot, don’t spare the boot.

Tyatka will sew new ones, or he will sew these ones.

3 com:

Go for a walk, Matvey, don’t spare your bast shoes.

Dad will kick the bast,

He will weave new bast shoes.

1st child:

I'm not tyatkina, I'm not mommy's

I grew up on the street

The chicken killed me.

2nd child:

Eh, if only

There were mushrooms growing on my nose.

They would cook themselves

Yes, and they rolled into my mouth.

3rd child:

I drank tea, made samovar,

She broke all the dishes and cooked.

Skom: People are gathering - our fair is opening.

The melody “Peddlers” sounds.

Sellers - barkers - approach the fair stalls.


1. Here are the nuts! Nice nuts!

Delicious with honey

Let's put on a hat!

2. Oh, yes, a doll, oh, yes, Malasha! An unheard-of miracle,

An unprecedented miracle!

3. Here are the threads, there are the needles

Come buy some girls - darlings!

4. Who wants pies, hot pies!

Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple.

Fry it, bake it, Akulina for Peter.

5. Oh, yes, kvass, with honey, with ice,

Both thick and luscious!

6. Needles, threads, and ribbons are not fragile.

Blush, lipstick, who needs what?

7. Pins, needles, steel pins!

Pay a penny for one bunch.

8. Uncle Yakov has enough goods for everything.

Taras - bars - rastabars,

We will sell all items!

The music continues

Beautiful girls and kind fellows walk around the fair, looking at the goods.

Arina bought a rocker with buckets.

When the music ends, Ivanushka and Arina go out to the middle of the hall, the rest of the children stand in a semicircle.

Ivan: Beautiful maiden Arina,

Where did you go, where did you go?

Arina: I went to the fair

I bought myself buckets.

Ivan: What did you give?

Arina: I gave a ruble, a rocker and a half.

Ivan: Girl, girl, go get some water.

Arina: I'm afraid of the wolf, I'm afraid of the fox, I'm afraid of the bear!

Ivan: Wolf at work.

Fox in the swamp

Soap dress

She lowered the roller.

She laughs herself

The crest is shaking.

Girl, girl, go get some water!

Girls dancing to a song “Mola went for water”

1 com: Like ours at the gate,

People are gathering.

2 com: With violins and balalaikas.

3 com: We were going to have some fun

Yes, have fun.

1 com: Make a joke, play, laugh.

All three:

Laughter and fun!

“Like ours at the gate!”


Dunya came out of the gate

To the green garden

I picked a burdock

Yes, right down to the spine.

Dunya sewed a sundress

And elegant and not fabric.

I put it in the corner

In birch bark boxes

Where did the cockroach come from?

Dunin ate his sundress!

The boys perform the song “In the Blacksmith”.

2 com:

Hey, girls are laughing,

Sing along, little ditties!

Sing quickly

To please your guests!

The girls sing ditties:

1. I start the chorus

The first, initial one.

I want to cheer up the sad public.

2. They say I'm a fighter

Combat, so what?

My mom is fighting

Well, then who am I?

3. I will break the lilacs,

I'll sketch it at the gate.

I'll braid my hair,

Let the people be jealous!

4. Listen guys,

I will sing incompetently:

A pig sits on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.

5. Here is the absent-minded Alyosha

Can't figure out the shoes:

Is it left or right

Maybe it's the other way around!

6. Vanya will start getting dressed,

I don't have the patience to wait for him.

We'll have time to walk around

Well, Vanya is not dressed!

1 com: Our fair continues

And what is there not!

2 com: The ribbons are bright,

Funny toys

Sweet lollipops!

3 com: Whistles, rattles, spoons

Who wants to play a little?

1st child: Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun.

2nd child: Geese on harp, ducks on pipes,

Tap dances into rattles,

Seagulls in balalaikas.

3rd child: Two tit babies

We played spoons.

All three: They play and play and amuse everyone.

Ved: Let's see who else is going to the market?

Masha went to the market,

I brought the goods home.

Masha: A scarf for my dear mother,

There is a flower in the middle.

To the falcon brothers

On goatskin boots.

Sisters - swans,

Yes, on white mittens.

Ved: And two sisters are going to the market,

Two sisters are white-faced.

Two girls come out (the older one leads the younger one by the hand)

Older: And tari, tari, tari

I’ll buy Masha amber,

There will be money left

I'll buy Masha earrings.

There will be nickels left -

I’ll buy Masha shoes,

There will be pennies left

I’ll buy Masha some spoons,

There will be half a half left,

I’ll buy pillows for Masha.


Ved: Who else is going to the fair?

A boy rides out on a horse.

Children: Vanya-Vanya simplicity,

Ved: Let's ask Ivanushka what he bought at the fair?

“Where was Ivanushka?”

1 com: Time for business, time for fun.

2 and 3 com: Who will play with us now?

"Tug of War"

"Bag Jumping"

The song “A crazy merchant was coming from the fair” is played.

The buffoons invite everyone to dance.

"Free Dance"

1 com: Oh, we had a blast at the fair and bought all sorts of goods.

2 com: So the sun sets behind the distant forest.

3 com: The fair is closing, it’s time for us to go home.

Everyone leaves.

Involve children and parents in folk art Develop practical skills effective use folk art V joint activities children and parents in everyday life. Introduce children and parents to Russians folk traditions and works of folklore, to awaken interest in them; develop aesthetic perception based on Russian folk music, promote the further development of children's musical abilities. To create a positive emotional mood, a sincere atmosphere, to bring pleasure and joy to children and parents.









Entertainment scenario for children of all kindergarten groups.

Developed by:

Berlizova Olga Vasilievna

Musical director

1 qualification category



Entertainment for children of all kindergarten groups.

The presenter and children are dressed in folk costumes and enter the hall to cheerful Russian folk music.

Fair comes out (r.n.m.)

Fair: Hello, good people,

The guests are invited,

Guests are welcome.

I am the Fair! Spring fair,

Wide and ruddy,

Desired by all people.

So you meet me - welcome me!

Come on guys, get started!

1 child: Make way, honest people

No dust path.

The fair is coming here

Walk a little.

2nd child: Waiting for you here and now,

Happy fun time.

Games and attractions,

Gather together champions..

3 child : Anyone who wants

Sings and laughs.

Having fun like an old man.

Not for money, not for fame,

And for fun and for fun.

4th child: Let the fair be for everyone

She will be happy.

Let everyone meet their dreams here.

And let her give it to people.

Love, hope, faith, beauty!

5th child: The fair opens

The audience is gathering.

Welcome everyone here,

Dear gentlemen.

6th child: To the fair - bow to the ground,

The bells are ringing,

The fair came with joy,

I brought spring with me!

All: The fair opens - the fun begins!

Song-dance “Fair”

Fair : Thank you guys! You greet me cheerfully. Do you know what a fair is? Since ancient times and to this day, fairs have been loved in Rus'. A fair for a Russian person is a holiday. Smartly dressed people came to the fair in a cheerful mood to look at the goods and show themselves off. What time of year is it?

Children: Spring!

Fair : That's right, guys! Spring has come – it’s red and it’s brought the sun! And the birds began to sing their songs - to chirp. Which birds returned to our native land with their mother in the spring?

Children list.

Fair: Have you seen the sun?

Children: We saw it!

Fair : Have you heard the birds?

Children: Heard!

Fair: Well, of course, the birds have already arrived and sang their songs.

And we will play the game “The Birds Have Arrived.” When I list the birds that have arrived, you will have to flap your hands like wings. But if I name something else, you must stand with your hands down. Be careful! Shall we try?

Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, seagulls, pasta... Yeah, someone's pasta has already flown off!

Fair: Let's try again, be careful!

Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs... Now the hedgehogs have flown!

Fair: Last time for the most inattentive.

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.

Well done! What would a Russian fair be without a round dance?


Fair: Spring; -red!

Flowers, grass and ants! Everyone hurry to the fair, start dancing together!


Let spring sing, let spring bloom, let the sun smile,

Let the dance fun continue at the fair!

Girls perform "Dance with handkerchiefs"(2nd youngest)

Fair : But the fair is not only a holiday, it is also a lot of painstaking work. Various goods were collected for the fair: dishes, clothing, and food. Whatever they sold at the fair!

Who is good at praising goods, who knows how to attract buyers?

The peddlers come out to the music of “Peddlers.”

Fair : Today is a fair day,

Come if you are not too lazy,

Walk around the rows

Choose any product.

1st seller: Apples for sale, round,

Ruddy, large, liquid

For jam, for compote,

And for apple pie!

2nd seller: Our dishes are

For cabbage soup and porridge!

Doesn't break, doesn't break,

It is not subject to any damage!

3rd seller: But the apples hurt,

Come if you don't have one.

Come, poor one,

Come rich man

Come thin,

Come pot-bellied!

4th seller: Come on, darlings!

Selling burst balloons!

Diamonds! Rattles!

Musical toys

Come on, choose!

Choose, take it!

5th seller: Hey, come over,

Look at the scarves

Come, come,

Look, look!

6th seller: Wooden spoons for anyone?

Suitable for eating porridge from a bowl,

They amuse, have fun,

And they won’t let you get bored!

7th seller: Who wants pies? Hot cakes?

Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple!

Hurry up and hurry up!

Don't be afraid - don't overeat!

Try it, come on! It's a nickel thing!

Girl: I came to the fair

I found myself a scarf.

My scarf is beautiful, red,

It's so wonderful to dance with him.

Hey guys, come out

And show off your dance!



Erema and Foma: Our fair is in full swing, and the artists are all on fire,

Spectator, don’t spare your hands, sing and clap more cheerfully.

Fair: Who else are they!?

Erema and Foma: We are cheerful amusements

Famous buffoons and scoffers

Erema: I am Erema!

Thomas: I am Thomas!

Together: We are buffoons!

Erema: How we lived - two brothers,

I am Erema, he is Foma,

Two daring young men.

I, Erema, what I started -

That’s what Foma picked up.

I came to the fair -

And my Foma rolled up!

Thomas: I came to you to have fun

To make you laugh and amuse you.

I really want to make friends with everyone,

And at the same time, congratulations on the fair.

Fair . Well, have fun!

Erema: Let's celebrate spring and have fun playing.

I won’t tell you what game!

You'll figure it out for yourself if you try hard enough!

Who runs along the mountain slopes,

Chatting to himself

And in the thick green grass

Hiding his blue tail?

Children: Stream!

Erema: What is spring without a stream? And to make our stream longer, we invite guests!

GAME "TREEK". (prepared)

Children stand in pairs around the hall, scattered, facing each other, forming collars (arms connected, raised up). One child starts the game. Passing through the collars of any pair one by one to the music, he takes it away.

Gradually a chain of all children is formed.

And what are folk festivals without competition and competition?

Come on guys! Who is brave and courageous? Come out and measure your strength!

Game "Tug of war". (compensating)

Thomas: And now I’ll play “Confusion” with you. I will confuse you, but you must answer correctly: girls or boys. Agreed?

Thomas asks the children riddles:

1.Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

2. Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

3.Skates drew arrows on the ice...

We played hockey in the morning...

4.We chatted for an hour without a break...

In colorful dresses...

5. Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

6. Cowards are afraid of the dark -

All as one, they...

7.Silk, lace and ringed fingers -

Going out for a walk...

Fair: But isn't it time to sing ditties?

FAIR DITS (prepared)

All: What would be fun at the fair

It was even more fun

We'll sing our ditties,

To please your guests!

1. For the stove to light up,

We have to turn up the heat

So that the ditty can be sung better,

We need to help by dancing.

2. Where, girls, is justice?

There is a product, but no money!

I dreamed about it last night

New apron and beret!

3. Dear mommy's son

I chose souvenirs.

And I decided that mom wants

Pistol and dump truck.

4. Admire me

Dear girlfriends,

On the cheeks, like in clearings,

Freckles bloomed.

5. I walk around the fair

And I'm looking for a friend.

And I love my darling -

Happy Petrushka!

6. Oh, the scarf is embroidered with a pattern!

Honey, will you buy me one?

Pretended he didn't hear

Pretended to be deaf!
7. Yegorushka and I were sitting

At the raspberry bush

The berry fell from above

I crushed my darling!

8. I'm not afraid of work

I'm not afraid of work

If your right side gets tired

I'll turn left!

In chorus:

We sang ditties for you

Tell me from the heart

Are our ditties good?

And we are good too!

Oriental music sounds.

Erema: Look, guys, an overseas guest has come to our Fair.

Fakir appears.

Fakir: I greet you, O diamonds of my heart, O emeralds of my soul. (east bow)

Children greet Fakir with a Russian bow.

Fakir: I am fakir Saud ibn Akhalay-Makhalay. Now you will fall asleep. Close your eyes and count out loud to 10: 1, 2,3, 4...

Your eyelids become heavy, your ears droop. Now you will immediately stand up, with your eyes closed, turn around yourself 3 times and grunt like a cow... and now you will immediately sit down and watch my hands.


1.Tea transformation

In one glass - “milk” (potato starch shaken in water). In another glass - “tea” (a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water). Liquid from one glass is poured into another and “ink” is obtained. You can even write on paper with them. Viewers can test their drawing skills by taking a brush and drawing something on the clean slate Whatman paper or cardboard.

2. three jars with lids painted on the inside with watercolor paint or gouache.

You, water-water,

My friend is cold,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green.

Shakes the jar, the water turns green.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one.

A jar of blue paint.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

The water turns red.

Fair: Hey fakir, how can we thank him, guys?

Musicians come out

Take out the tools

Play, don't break,

Try your best for the fakir!

Orchestra “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.” (multi-age)

The fakir says: Oh, diamonds of my heart, I have to go.

Thomas: And I have a surprise for everyone! Raise your hand, who doesn't like surprises? (someone will raise their hand). And I thought there were no such people among us! To get this souvenir, you need to guess the riddle:

There are sisters hiding in this young woman.

Each sister is a prison for the little one.

Erema: Our nesting dolls are a sight to behold, surprising all our guests.

As soon as you put them in a row, they will sing for seven days in a row!

Dust swirls along the path, our nesting dolls begin to dance.

DANCE “MATRYOSHKA” (Middle group)

Erema: Do you guys like to ride on the carousel?

Children: Yes!

Thomas: Then don't yawn, take your place on the carousel!

The peddlers take the carousel to the middle of the hall and play the game several times.

Game "Carousel" (2nd junior)

Game "Kalachi" (medium)

At the end of the game, the carousel is taken out of the hall.

The roar of a bear and the sounds of gypsy music are heard.

Erema: Yes, this is the leader Fedya leading a bear with him!

The gypsies come in to the music and lead the bear.

Fedya: Hello, fun fair! Meet the Bear Fair, smart and scientist! Well, bear, bow to the respectable audience! (The bear bows.)

Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how our girls are in kindergarten going?

(The bear paints his lips, twirls, preens.)

What are the boys like in our group?

(The bear fights and growls.)

- How did Vanya oversleep, was he late for the garden?

(The bear is “sleeping”, jumps up, runs.)

The bear walks importantly across the stage.)

- How does Dunyasha dance?

(The bear puts out his leg.)

Yes, not the same Dunyasha that was before, but the present one!

(The bear turns its back.)

2nd buffoon:

Well done! Now take a bow and walk to the music!

Fair: What else can your bear do?

Fedya: And see for yourself! Bear, tell me, how much will it be to add one?(The bear knocks the tambourine twice.)Have any of you ever seen a bear dance?

Children: No!

Fedya: Haven't you seen it? No problem, we'll show it to you!

He's a little clumsy and shy, too.

But she can’t resist, she loves to dance!

"Gypsy with a Bear"

Gypsies and Bear bow and leave to Russian folk music

Foma: (the sound of rain) Look, the rain has started to pour! The fair will have to be closed.

I advise you to go home!

Erema : No, guys, don’t leave, it’s better to watch the dance,

Kapitoshki, come out and show your dance.

Dance "Kapitoshka"

Erema. This is the kind of market we have, this is the FAIR!


Fair. An old man was selling a cow at the market.

A cow enters to the music, led by an old boy. The phonogram “Oh, how I love my little cow” plays.

Thomas . Old man, will you sell us your cow?

Old man. I’ll sell it, I’ve been standing with it at the market since this morning.

Erema. How much are you asking for her, old man?

Old man . Yes, it’s a sin to profit, I wish I could get what’s mine back!

Thomas. Your little cow is too thin.

Old man. She's sick, damn it. Just a disaster!


Old man. Yes, we haven’t seen milk yet!(waves hand)

Fair. All day at the market the old man sold

Nobody gave a price for the cow.

One boy took pity on the old man.

A guy comes out. There is a cap on his head and a balalaika in his hands.

Boy. Dad, your hand is not easy

I'll stand next to your cow

Maybe we'll sell your cattle

Sings, playing the balalaika, the music “Oh, you canopy”

Come, honest people

Grandfather is selling a cow.

And the cow is good

Gives a lot of milk.

The soundtrack of “Quadrille” plays and a buyer comes out.

Buyer. Will you sell the cow?

Boy . Buy if you're rich!

Look at the cow, not a cow, but a treasure!

Buyer. Looks too skinny

Not very fat, but good milk yield!

Buyer. Does a cow give a lot of milk? A?

Boy. If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand will get tired!

Fair : The old man looked at his cow….

Old man. Why am I, Burenka, selling you?(Hugs)

I won’t sell my cow to anyone,

You need a cow like this yourself!

(Dances with a cow.)

Your milk, Buryonka, is simply a miracle!

I will always, always drink it!

Cow. And milk tastes twice as good

If this…

(Turns the other side - the inscription “Milky Way”)


Come on, Cow, give me some milk!

(The presenter places a bucket under the cow into which Milky Way chocolates are poured. Distributing treats to children)

Skomorokh1: So the sun has set -

Our fair has closed.

2. Tara-bars, rastabars,

There are good goods

Not goods, a real treasure-

Shop in great demand.

Don't waste your time,

You buy goods,

Small expense

Come, honest people!

Come and take note

Buy everything you need!

Thomas and Erema: We are always glad to have guests.

Together: Come visit us!

Fun game for children of preparatory and senior groups

Decor: The hall is a colorful fair. Tents decorated with flags, flowers, balloons, filled with all kinds of goods.

Progress of the game-entertainment

1. Opening of the fair.

Children are in the hall: some are sitting, some are playing trickle. Russian folk melodies and songs are recorded.

Presenter. Fairs are opening everywhere, in all regions and regions of our country. They display many different products. People come and go to fairs to buy things. Today we will play such a game and call it “Fair”.

Children - "sellers" - enter and take their jobs behind the counters in the tents. Each of them invites buyers.

The first toy seller. There are toys at the fair: tractors and rattles.

Second seller. There are colored flags and painted chests.

First seller. Excavator, ducks.

Second seller. Drums, pipes.

2. Action in the sweets tent.

First seller.

Come visit our tent!

Here are some sweets and chocolates.

Second seller.

Rolls and buns,

Matryoshka dolls! Handkerchiefs!

Wreaths! Flowers!

The Russian folk melody “Peddlers” sounds slowly.

Presenter. And everyone came to the fair from all over the world.

Children come to the fair in national costumes. They have bags, suitcases, and baskets in their hands. Everyone walks around in loose groups, looking at shop windows. They “buy” different goods. The children move on, giving way to girls in Russian sundresses and elegant kokoshniks. A melody without words begins to sound.

3. Scene “Guests from the Moscow Region”.

Presenter. Where are you from?

From the Moscow region.

Good health to you all!

They bow deeply. Then they come to the flower tent. The “seller” gestures to take each of the bindweed. The girls sing and start a round dance “I walk with the vine.” Hold the bindweeds by both ends in the form of a garland. The girls sing, the children answer in chorus.

I walk with the loach, I walk with the green.

(Walk in a circle. The outermost girls make “collars”)

I don't know where to put the loach. (2 times)

(Everyone goes under the “collars”: one goes to the right, the other to the left. They form two circles)

I'll put a loach, I'll put a loach (They go in circles)

On the right shoulder, right shoulder. (2 times)

(Place the bindweed on the right shoulder)

And from the right, and from the right,

(Go in the opposite direction)

And I’ll put it from right to left. (2 times)

(Transfer the bindweed to the left shoulder)

I'm going to Manyushenka, I'm going to Manyushenka,

(Again everyone goes one after another, heading towards the central wall)

I’m going to Manyushenka, I’m going, I’m going,

(Stop in a semicircle. Bow)

I will bow and go away.

After the round dance the girls leave. Children in Ukrainian and Belarusian costumes enter.

4. Scene “Guests from Ukraine and Belarus”.

Presenter. At the tents and in the shops there are children from Belarus and Ukraine.

Children approach a tent where wreaths and scarves are sold.

Salesman. Would you like flowers or scarves?

"Ukrainians". No, we have wreaths with ribbons.

Salesman. Please!

Gives the girls wreaths. “Ukrainian” children perform a dance learned for the holiday - “Bulba” or “Gopachok”. They are replaced by “Belarusian” children. All the children take out pipes from under their chairs and improvise on them during the instrumental passage.


Children of Belarus go to the fair,

Everyone sings a song about Mikita merrily.

And who is sitting on the chairs?

Let him blow the pipes.

“Mikita” sounds (Belarusian folk song with dance)

The Russian folk song “I danced with a mosquito” is playing.

5. Scene “Petrushka visiting preschool children.”

Suddenly Parsley appears on the screen with a rattle in his hand. He calls and says.


Tra-la-la! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

I'm alive, not a toy

What's my name?

Children. Parsley!


They were guessing, well done!

You are good readers.

Everyone walked and walked around the world,

(Looks around)

But where have I come?

Children. To the fair!

Parsley. To the fair? What can you do here?

The children give hints.

Parsley (delighted).

I'll buy myself a pipe

I love music very much.

The seller brings him a pipe. But Petrushka doesn’t know how to play it: she either turns it over or puts it to her ear. He asks the children to teach him to play.

The presenter invites the children to play the pipes again and show Petrushka how to hold the pipe. Then they, together with Petrushka, perform a polka. (You can use any dance music) Then Parsley plays a game with all the children. He explains the rules of the game.


When I say clap, clap,

You kick - stomp, stomp!

And I’ll say top, top,

With your hands - clap, clap!

The game repeats itself. Parsley begins to cry.

Presenter. What's wrong with you, tell me, Petrushka?

Parsley. I forgot to buy cheesecake.

The seller hurries to calm him down and gives him a cheesecake.


Thank you, I have to go

Goodbye, kids! (Disappears behind the screen)

A teacher appears in Russian national costume with a carousel. A colorful cockerel is attached to the top of the hoop. Bright ribbons hang from the hoop.

The presenter draws the children's attention to the carousel and invites them to ride on it. She divides everyone interested into two groups. Children of one group take up the ribbons, while the other group recites the rhymed text.


Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel turned.

And then, then, then everyone went around.

To the Russian folk melody “I danced with a mosquito,” children perform the following movements:

1st-4th measures. Children holding a ribbon right hand, walk one after another, taking a step every quarter.

5-10th measures. Everyone is running in the same direction.

11-12th measures. Movements slow down.

The Carousel stops. The groups change roles. The movements are repeated.

6. Scene “Guide with a bear.”

Suddenly a guide appears with a “bear” (a boy in a suit).


Make way, honest people,

The little bear is coming with me!

The bear bows.

He knows a lot of fun,

There will be a joke, there will be laughter.

The children come closer and stand on both sides.

Child. Little bear, can you sing?

The bear nods his head affirmatively. The guide hands the bear an accordion and invites him to sing, and louder. The bear takes the accordion. Starts to play. Sings silently, opening his mouth wide.

Guide. It's too quiet to sing! (Addresses the children) Can you hear? (Negative answer) Ask the bear to sing loudly.

Everyone asks the bear to sing louder. The bear begins to roar loudly. The guide steps back, covering his ears with his hands. And the bear continues to play and roar, approaching the “frightened” guide, who waves him off with his hands. The guide takes the accordion. The bear bows.


Show everyone how Dunyasha

He comes into the circle and dances wildly.

The little bear puts a scarf on his head and takes hold of its ends. Performs "Dunyasha's Dance" to the accompaniment of musical

leader or in the recording of the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak”. The children unanimously support the bear's dance with applause.

The Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak” sounds

Description of dance movements.

First part of the music. The bear waddles in a circle.

Second part. Clumsily, falling on one leg, he spins around himself.

First part. Alternately pushes legs forward.

Second part. Again he spins and falls, but in the other direction.

When the music ends, the bear sits on the floor.

Guide. Are you tired? Rest and take a little nap!

The bear lies down. The guide invites the children to play with the bear.

The game “At the Bear in the Forest” is played.

The children quietly approach the bear, afraid to wake him, and sing:

I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest,

But the bear does not sleep and growls at us.

Suddenly the bear jumps up, catches up with the children, and growls. You can play twice.

7. End of the performance.


Who's looking gloomy over there?

The music starts again!

We don't allow sadness

We invite everyone to the dance.

Is it possible without dancing?

Listen to this kind of music?

Children perform the humorous dance "Cheburashka". Guide. Did everyone enjoy the dance performance?

Guide. Our performance ended on a happy wave.

The guide calls the bear to him and throws a long bright ribbon over the bear. All children become a free group behind the bear. The guide pulls on the reins. Everyone "leave" waving their hand.

(The script was compiled based on material by Z. Levik)

300 chalets (stalls, pavilions) are installed in addition to permanent retail outlets on the streets of Moscow on the eve of the May holidays. This means that the Moscow Spring festival has come to the capital again, including fairs, entertainment, animation and educational programs. All events and access to the festival sites is free.

Fairs and venues "Moscow Spring - 2019" will be open from May 1 to May 12.

The end date is preliminary; experience suggests that it is possible to extend the duration of the fairs.

This year the “Moscow Spring” festival is combined with the “Moscow Spring a capella” competition, in which about 160 teams from different countries and cities of Russia.
“Moscow Spring” will become the second spring festival of the “Moscow Seasons”. In total, the festival will feature 57 venues, of which 38 will be music venues.

For the festival, about 300 new chalets will be installed in Moscow, where trade, restaurants, master classes and entertainment will be located. According to tradition, here you will be able to purchase themed goods and try national cuisine from different countries.

For those who want to go around all the points of the festival in the center of Moscow: the length of the route will be about 10 kilometers.

A special program dedicated to Victory Day is planned for May 8 and 9, which will include 70 theatrical and musical events.

Video from the Moscow Spring festival last year:

Main fairs in the center of Moscow

Program for Victory Day

For Victory Day The Moscow Spring festival is preparing a special festive program. There will be a big concert of children's choirs on Novy Arbat, a retro concert on Stoleshnikov Lane, and performances and literary readings on Kamergersky Lane. Participants in the master classes will be taught how to provide first aid and how to make photo albums and postcards as gifts for veterans.

Guests are welcome on Revolution Square, Rozhdestvenka Street and Kamergersky Lane. On May 8 and 9, Moscow creative groups will perform here.

The theater in the South-West will show a literary and musical composition based on the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin” for guests of Kamergersky Lane (starts at 13:00, 14:40 and 16:00). The same theater is preparing an interactive performance “Frontline Halt” with the participation of Honored Artists of Russia (starts at 13:40). The Sketches in Space Theater will present the play “The History of One Company” on May 8. The White Ball studio will perform the programs “Battle for Moscow” and “Sashka” (a scene from the play based on the story by V.L. Kondratiev) - beginning at 15:20 and 17:20. Visitors to Kamergersky Lane will also be greeted by the “Victory Station” of the “Theatrium on Serpukhovka” (starts at 16:40).

Events on Revolution Square, dedicated to the Day Victories will take place from 13:00 to 19:00. The schedule includes the musical program “Victory” (at 13:00, 15:00 and 18:00), the poetic “Victory Spring” - poems and prose of the war years performed by Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Borodinov (at 14:00 and 15:30 ), performances by creative groups.

Festive events on the stage of the site on Rozhdestvenka Street will take place from 13:00 to 19:00. The artists prepared a musical and theatrical program “Letters from the Front” for the guests.

The official website of the State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Fairs" fair.mos.ru reports:

This year the International a cappella music festival “Moscow Spring A CAPPELLA” combines the traditions of famous European music festivals and creates a special creative atmosphere in the city. This will be a festival of acapella singing, organized on the streets, squares and parks of Moscow.

Program content.

  • To introduce children to Russian culture, spiritual wealth, wisdom and hard work of their native people.
  • Strengthen the spiritual health of students by turning to folk culture.
  • Develop interest in folk art and folklore through folk games, round dances, ditties, dances, and songs.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary with archaisms, know their meaning and be able to use them in speech.
  • To develop in children sensitivity to aesthetic images, to form positive emotional feelings and interests that reflect the people’s ideas about beauty and goodness, and pass these ideas on from generation to generation.
  • Strengthen children's puppeteering skills.

Preliminary work. Conversations about Russian folk art, display of illustrations, books about Russian fairs; acquaintance with Russian folk art, learning ditties, songs, Russian folk games, skits.

Equipment. Counters with fair goods, a screen for a puppet theater, dolls - Parsley, a dog; objects of folk life and folk arts, a basket for a fox.


Presenter, gypsy, gypsy, horse - The roles are played by adults.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th sellers, Parsley, Sharik, 1st, 2nd, 3rd peddlers, bear, fox – Children play the roles.


The presenter and children are dressed in folk costumes. Cheerful folk music sounds (muffled)

Presenter: Oh, you are beautiful girls, and good fellows! I invite everyone to a fun fair! Come here, welcome guests!

The music becomes louder, children enter the hall and stand in front of the counters.

Presenter: Hello, dear gentlemen! Did you come to the fair here to look at our goods? Or show yourself? (Response from children and guests)

The fair is noisy again! People are dressed up.
Gingerbread cookies with candies! People gather
People are looking at the goods, the Fair is opening!

Children visiting the exhibition. Among the “goods” are children’s crafts made from natural materials, paper, beads, painted wooden spoons, tablets, etc.

Presenter: Since ancient times and to this day, fairs have been loved in Rus'. A fair for a Russian person is a holiday. It is not for nothing that its holding coincided with one or another calendar holiday. Smartly dressed people came to the fair in a cheerful mood to look at the goods and show themselves off. There are many guests at our fair today. Look at them guys. All of them arrived at our fair dressed up and cheerful. But the fair is not only a holiday, it is also a lot of painstaking work. Various goods were collected for the fair: dishes, clothing, and food. Whatever they sold at the fair! So you and I have been preparing for our fair for a long time and your parents helped us with this, who together with you made these wonderful crafts.
Today you and I will be both sellers and buyers. And in order for a product to sell better, it needs to be praised, inviting buyers. In modern language, “to give a good advertisement to a product.” Who is good at praising goods, who knows how to attract buyers?

Four children - sellers - come in and stand behind the counter.

Presenter: But among the goods presented at our fair there are many different other goods, and you will find out which ones if you guess my riddles.

My tricky riddles
Who can figure it out?
That's why dryers and bagels
I promise to give it to you for tea!

Riddles about goods

Children guess; if they find it difficult to answer, the guests help them. Children look for answers on the counters and show them.

1 . Worn by women, old ladies, 7. He's like a round saucepan
Worn by little girls - He's grimy, not neat.
To the corner corner Where is the corner in the stove?
Colorful folded... ( handkerchief) He will cook porridge... ( cast iron)

2. Frosts are not scary in winter 8. He climbs into the oven for the cast iron,
Neither big nor small. And stands silently in the corner,
What a threat to us from winter! Poker's dear brother -
We will put on shoes... ( felt boots) Old forged... ( grip)

3. If there is a little frost - 9. It's boring in the village without her,
We are missing by the nose. They sing ditties to it,
As the frost begins to get angry, Masha and Antoshka dance
We will put on... ( mittens) To the cheerful... ( accordion)

4. He will play along with me in ditties, 10. Find out her three strings
Although not an accordion. Started playing... ( balalaika)
At lunch he dives into soup
Painted… ( spoon)

5. These shoes have not been forgotten 11. Releases hot steam
Even though they were worn a long time ago. An ancient teapot... ( samovar)
The children will climb onto the floor,
They will leave it at the stove... ( bast shoes)

6. Grandfather carried water in the morning 12. Love girls - girlfriends
Two buckets each time. Bagels with poppy seeds and... ( drying)
Hangs like an arc on your shoulders
Painted... ( rocker)

Presenter: Well done, you solved all the riddles! And, as I promised, you will take these cakes with you from the fair and drink tea with the cakes and bagels.

We took a look at the goods
And they started singing about the fair!

Song “Fair” (with soloist).Music E. Gomonova, lyrics. P. Sadovsky

(Children sit on chairs)


Who carries the lambs,
Who crafts are different.
Look, honest people!
Showcase at the holiday

A performance is held on the screen of the puppet theater “Petrushka and Sharik”

(Puppeteers - boy and girl)


I am Parsley with a rattle (loud)
I'll tell you in your ear (whispering, mysteriously, playfully)
It was like I was on holiday (loud)
What did you buy at the fair?

(Petrushka takes out all her purchases from behind the screen and shows them, the presenter puts them in the basket)

I took the miracle little shoes and promised a spindle.
Not for herself, her beloved daughter, Mila asked for the sieve.
Here's a bundle of lamb, Old Grandfather - socks.
A bait for my guests! I bought it for my neighbor
Half colored shawl! Tackle: fishing rod, hooks.
This is mommy’s dear! Uncle Fedya - mittens,
I also bought a pear for the Forester - a large ax:
For my friend, for Vanyusha. A handkerchief for two sisters,
Scarlet fairy flower So that they don’t have an argument.
The little son wants it. I completed all orders
Good grandmother for a long time And I haven’t forgotten myself!
(takes out a balalaika from behind the screen)
I also remember about myself:
I bought a balalaika!

Parsley “plays” the balalaika, everyone applauds. There is a growl and the dog Sharik appears.

Ball: Rrrr, woof! Bow-wow!


Oh, it's you, Sharik!
Where have you been, Sharik?
What did you see at the fair?


What could I see there? A boy passed by
Only the cracker gave me a lot of different legs.
In boots, bast shoes, boots, And then, the owner of the shop
On laces, belts, elastic bands, Gave away delicious leftovers:
Everyone is in a hurry, rushing around, a bowl of cabbage soup from lunch
They don't give me access. And a handful of bones to boot!
I don’t like noise, crowds, I was well-fed all day,
Snuggled up against the counter. I even buried a bone.

Presenter: What a great fellow you are, Sharik! How thoughtful! Well, guys, let's thank Sharik and Petrushka for amusing and amusing us

(Everyone applauds)

To the melody of Russian. adv. songs "Peddlers" boys - peddlers come out, girls run out to meet them, inspect the goods

Presenter: Peddlers came to our fair.


Shall we bargain, guys?
Maybe we can buy something?


Let's haggle, girls,
At the same time we will sing for everyone!


1st peddler:

We are merchant barkers,
We are great guys!
After all, our product is great:
Spoons, combs, bells!!
(After each verse everyone sings the chorus)

Chorus(2 times):

Eh, once again!
Many more times!

2nd peddler:

Come and try it on
Our ribbons and scarves!
Don't waste your time,
Get your wallets out!

3rd peddler:

Oh you girls are beautiful
Try on heels!
Whatever the weather
Both elegant and light!

1st girl:

Oh, merchant barkers,
The prices are too high!
Experienced buyer here -
The people here are not fools

1st peddler:

Don't bargain, mom
Your daughter is not bad!
Dress up your Masha -
You will find your groom in no time!

2nd girl:

Wow update
Nothing good!
This dress is not new
This dress is worn!

2nd peddler:

You'd better not skimp
Grosh is not a horse from the yard.
We were in such a hurry to get to you,
There's already a hole in the bast shoes!

3rd girl:

If the guys lower the price
Or they will give it with a delay,
I'll put a ring on myself
And even with a chain!

4th girl:

Oh, the scarf is embroidered with a pattern!
Honey, will you buy me one?
Pretended he didn't hear
Pretended to be deaf!

5th girl:

Where, girls, is justice?
There is a product, but no money!
I dreamed about it last night
New apron and beret!

6th girl:

Bargained, bargained,
That's how it's supposed to be with us!
So that people can admire us,
The girls came out for the show!

All girls:

We are girls - a sight for sore eyes,
Everyone admires us.
Come on Sunday
There will be a lot of dancing in the club!

(The girls walk in a circle to the chorus)

Presenter: Well, good fellows, invite your girlfriends to a square dance!

Dance "Quadrille".

After the dance, the boys escort the girls to their chairs. To the sounds of “Gypsy Girl,” the gypsies enter with the bear and dance.

Gypsy: (gives a handkerchief to the bear)

You, Toptygin, dance
And show all the people
How old ladies dance
Yes, they wave a handkerchief.

(The bear dances with a handkerchief)


Show me now
Like an old grandfather knocking his feet,
He grumbles at the boys.

(The bear stomps his feet)

Gypsy: Well done, little bear! ( Patting the bear on the head)

Gypsy: Show me how the girls go to work? (The bear walks slowly)

Gypsy: How do they get home from work? (runs)


What fun, what fun!
People are falling over laughing!

Here's a treat for you, Misha, for amusing us. Now sit down and relax.

Presenter: Dear gypsies! Since you’ve come to visit us at the fair, tell us your fortune!

Gypsy: Let me tell you my fortune, darling! (takes the presenter by the hand) Oh, my precious one, I see the shine along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have many children. You can buy a cottage outside the city. (Approaches one of the children): Oh, my killer whale, give me my pen and I’ll tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life and it leads to a government house. And the 4s and 5s are waiting for you, my diamond, in this house, the teachers will love you! (Approaches one of the guests) Give me a coin, my rich one, gild my pen for telling you my fortune. Don’t be sorry for your money, my hundred-dollar one, I’ll tell you the whole truth now, that they (points to those sitting nearby) They think about you, I’ll read all their thoughts - everything is for you, dear.

Presenter: Dear gypsies! Where did you come to our fair from? Is it from far away?

Gypsy: From afar, uh, from afar!

Presenter: What did you use to get there from afar?

Gypsy: On horseback, darling, on horseback.
But the trouble is, the horse was stolen on the road. It was a good horse, a gypsy bay! Eh, what should I do now? After all, a gypsy without a horse is like a bird without wings!

Gypsies perform"Gypsy song" music. and words by E. Shalamonova. During the performance of the last verse, a “horse” (two adults in a horse costume) enters the hall and dances up to the gypsies. The delighted gypsies take the horse by the bridle and leave the hall (to applause)

Presenter:(addresses children)

Did you go to the fair?
Tell me what you bought?


Our Yashka went to the fair,
Yes, I bought some nuts.
Yashenka, don’t yawn!
Have fun playing with us!

The game "Yashka" is being played. Yashka sits in the center blindfolded, the children move around him in a circle, dancing and singing a nursery rhyme:

Sit, sit, Yashka, get up, Yashka, my friend!
Red shirt. Where is your bride?
Gnaw, gnaw, Yashka, what is she wearing?
Roasted nuts, What's her name?
Gifted to the bride. And where will they bring it from?
Chock, chock. Chock, chock!

Yashka catches the children and looks back to find out the name of the girl he caught.
A girl in a Fox costume approaches the counter with a basket in her hand.

Presenter: And here Fox came to visit us at the fair.

Staging "Fox at the Fair"


Where have you been, Little Fox?
What did you buy at the fair?


Ah, I'm coming from Torzhok
Looked at the cockerel
Loud and beautiful
It's a pity there wasn't enough money!

Presenter: So are you going without buying?


I've been fasting for three days!
On the shelves there is fish, meat,
Yes, there are sausages hanging out.
I'd like a piece of sausage
The fox has no money! (Rubs eyes)


Don't worry Fox, it's in vain
At least we're not rich either,
But let's share it with you.


Have pity on me, people! (Takes a treat from the host, puts it in the basket)
I also saw cheeses there,
Only there was little money.

Presenter: Here's a piece of cheese for you.

Fox: I didn't have enough oil!

Presenter: Here's a piece of butter for you.

Fox: My kids are asking for meat!

Presenter: Here are gifts for the fox cubs.

Fox: It's a pity that I'm not so rich.

Presenter: Enough, Little Fox, to ask.

Fox: Oh, how I want to drink!

Presenter: Here's a sip of water for you. (Holds a mug)


What good is water to me?
I would like a mug of milk!
The mug is not big.


Although we don’t feel sorry for gifts,
But you are just a beggar!


What are you, what are you, I'm kidding
I will pay for the hotels:
I'll dance for the guys
And I’ll go feed the foxes.

Fox Dance.

The Fox dances to cheerful music and runs away.


Have you bought all the goodies?
Have we forgotten anyone?

Oh, guys, we left our guests without any purchases. Invite them to our fair!

(Children-sellers stand behind the counter. The rest stand facing the guests)

Children:(in unison)

We do not sing according to the word, We do not sell for money,
We sing in couplets, We take with sweets!

Children accompany their parents by the hand to the counters; children-sellers and the Presenter offer them various crafts. Invitees pay for their purchases in candy.

Presenter:(addresses guests):

It's nice to stay with us,
We will call you again (to children)
Now let's go guys
Let's drink tea and sweets!

And as a farewell, let's sing a funny song about the fair!

Song "At the Fair".Music etc. E. Shalamonova

(Children, accompanied by cheerful music, go with their parents to have tea in the group room.)

During the development of the script, materials from the collections were used:

  1. V.M. Petrova“Spring holidays. Games and fun for children";
  2. M.A. Davydova“Scenarios for musical, calendar and folklore holidays”;
  3. Methodological developments by teacher-musician E.Yu. Shalamonova.

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